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"If it be drinkable by any manner of mortal, I must moisten my throat with it." After some remonstrances, she takes up a champagne bottle, but is frightened by the sudden explosion of the cork, and drops it upon the floor. There the untasted liquor effervesces.

Though gas is as dreadful a description of champagne as entomological is of a certain type of secretary, I would venture to point out that it expands, effervesces, soars ever to greater heights; but beer, froth and all, tends to become flat, stale, and unprofitable." "I assure you my knowledge of both is limited. I had never even tasted champagne until the other day."

But it is hard to give a conversation in which the salient points are made by a rapid pantomime, which effervesces like champagne. Madame Belloc and Madame M. agree that the old French salon is no more; that none in the present iron age can give the faintest idea of the brilliancy of the institution in its palmiest days.

In order to avoid this and distinguish this mineral on the field, it should be tested with a single drop of acid, which on coming in contact with it bubbles up or effervesces like soda water, seidlitz powder, etc., while it does not do so with any of the minerals occurring in the same locality.

You'll never know I hope you may never know what drudgery means as I have known it. I've written my poor little screeds when I was half-dead with fatigue; I've been out in cold and rain to get news; I've interviewed all sorts of people when I've hated them and hated the work. And if now I want to have my little fling, why not? Everybody effervesces some time.

The Tressadys, in the privacy of their own room, began to say to each other: "I like her she'll do!" "She's very complacent," Molly would say with a sigh. "But it's nothing to the way Belle effervesces all over the place!" "Oh, I suppose she is simply trying to make a good impression that's all." And Mrs.

=Carbonate of Sodium= occurs as soda and best soda, the former in dirty crystalline masses, the latter of a purer white colour. It is also found as 'washing soda. Symptoms, Post-Mortem Appearances, Treatment, and Extraction from the Stomach. As for potash. Tests. Alkaline reaction, effervesces and evolves carbonic acid when treated with an acid; crystallizes, gives yellow tinge to blowpipe flame.

This earthy matter is of a pale yellowish- brown colour, and appears to be a mixture of carbonate of lime with iron; it effervesces with acids, is infusible, but blackens under the blowpipe, and becomes magnetic.

Under ordinary circumstances one measure of water will absorb one measure of carbonic acid; and the eye will detect no difference in its appearance. Under pressure the power of absorption is rapidly increased, until the water thus surcharged has an acid taste, and effervesces on flowing from the earth, as in Saratoga water.

Both in Africa and India there is a superstition with regard to the horns of all the species, which the natives declare are sensibly acted on by poison. It is the custom to make cups of them, and in India it is said, that liquid poison poured into them, effervesces in such a manner that it overflows the cup.