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Eve'rbody had a jolly time, preachin', shoutin' en eatin' good things." "We didn't git a thing w'en we wuz freed. W'en dey said we wuz free mah people had ter look out fer demselves." "Don' member now 'bout K.K.K. er 'structshun days. Mah mammy useter tell us a lot ob stories but I'se fergot dem. I'se neber voted en dunno ob any frens bein' in office."

I ain't one to think that eatin' up everything on your plate keeps it from wastin', and I never was; and I say that even if you couldn't get the money back, it would cost no more to have her stay than to have her go." "I don't suppose," said the old man, in a high, husky treble, "but what I could get some of it back from the captain; may be all.

And the white chillen would git me up to the house to dance for them and all like, and they would give me biscuits or anything good they had. I never seed the others eatin nothin but pot liquor. "Most of the slaves lived in log cabins. You know they never had but one door. In general where they had large families, they would have two rooms with a chimney in the middle of the house.

"I have seen 'em hold a pow-wow for two or three days at a time, some of 'em settin' 'round, dreamin', as they call it all of 'em starvin', whole camp howlin', everybody eatin' medicine herbs. Then after while, they all come and set down just like it was right out here in the open. Somebody pulls a naked Injun boy right out in the middle of them. Old Mr.

Aunt Mary was very strict with the other servants and would have reprimanded any of them severely for venturing a remark "while de white folks was eatin'," but she followed Molly and Edwin to the screened porch where the table was laid, and while they ate the very good breakfast which, thanks to her, had not burned up, the old woman entertained them with her keen observations.

"Ise glad to hear that, Missy Rosy. I begun to think 't want no use to cook nice tidbits for ye, if ye jist turned 'em over wi' yer fork, and ate one or two mouthfuls, without knowing what ye was eatin'." "I've been pining for Gerald, Tulee; and I've been afraid sometimes that he didn't love me as he used to do.

I be fixin' to knock 'im clean ovah de rail, but by dat time, de Cap'm had 'is eye on us. "'Pee-e-e-e-p, go de whistle; 'Tay-lor-r-r-r' de bos'n sing out. "'Taylor," I ahnswer. "'Come to de mahst. "I tells 'em how it was, how I fixin' to knock dat niggah so far into de Gulf we be thoo eatin' 'fore he kin swim back. "'Pipe 'im up, bos'n, says de cap'm.

My readers remember the story of the boy who, digging vigorously at a hole, replied to the remark of a passing traveler that there was probably no ground-hog there, and, even if there was, "ground-hog was mighty poor eatin', any way," with: "Mister, there's got to be a ground-hog there; our family's out o' meat!" That was what actuated us: we were out of material for a tent.

I don't s'pose Indian Pete's yaller dog, standin' ahead there in the road ready to bark at my team like mad, has any idee of eatin' a mule, much less two, but all the same it's a satisfaction to him to be sassy; an' seein' he's limited in his means of entertainin' hisself, I don't begrudge him. And the Colonel don't begrudge me.

I jes stay dar and burn; and after while de debil come 'round wid his gun, and say, 'Zack, I gwine to shoot you, and jes as he raise de gun, I jes jerk loose from dat wire, and I jes fly to heben." "Fly! did you have wings?" "O, yes, sir, I had wings." "Well, after you got to heaven, what did you do then?" "Well, I jes went to eatin' grass like all de balance of de lams."