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I want to buy a couple of ponies." The chief said a word or two to a boy standing near, and he with four or five others at once started up the valley, and in a few minutes returned with a drove of Indian ponies. "They are not a bad lot," Jerry said to Tom. "They don't look much, Jerry." "Indian ponies never look much, but one of those ponies would gallop an eastern-bred horse to a stand-still."

To an eastern-bred lad who had lived all his life in a city the scene was wonderfully novel. The great blue stretch of sky seemed endless. How still the country was! Had it not been for the muffled tramp of hoofs, the low bleating of the herd, the flat-toned note of the sheep-bells, there would not have been a sound. The quiet of the day cast its spell everywhere.

In which event Chandler, chief of the Red Butte Western construction, proclaimed himself Eastern-bred and a tenderfoot by compelling the grade contractors to stop and bury them. Why the railroad builders, with Copah for a starting-point and Red Butte for a terminus, had elected to pitch their head-quarters camp in the western edge of the desert, no later comer could ever determine.

He was glad to be at his journey's end; glad to be off the slow little train, and glad to see again the October woods of the Alleghany foothills. To the eastern-bred man, nothing in the grandeur of the prairie landscape can quite meet the craving for the autumn beauty of the eastern forests. The slanting rays of the late afternoon sun fell athwart the radiant foliage of the woods as Dr.

If a twelve-stone man were put up on Bendigo, that magnificent animal could give half a mile start to any Arab steed that ever was foaled, and run away from the Arab at the finish of a four-mile course. Weight need not be considered, for if the Eastern-bred horse only carried a postage-stamp the result would be much about the same.

Why, hang it, Kent, Cold Spring Coulee's no place for Browning he doesn't fit in. All that sort of thing is a thousand miles behind me and I've got to " He stopped short and brooded, his eyes upon the dank sawdust at his feet. "I'm a beast," he repeated rather lugubriously. "She's an angel an Eastern-bred angel. And let me tell you, Kent, all that's pretty hard to live up to!"

Blakely, thinking he looked much worse than he felt, thanks to his plastered jowl, stood on his rights in the matter and would not go. There had been some demur on part of the stable sergeant of Wren's troop as to sending over the horse. Few officers brought eastern-bred horses to Arizona in those days. The bronco was best suited to the work.

He was lithe and agile as a cat and moved with something of the sinuous gliding of that animal, rather than the bounding motions of his eastern-bred mates.

I can't get lost where there's nothing but space," she said aloud, as she hurried to the stable and led out the petted thoroughbred. Horses are very human creatures, responding not only to the moods of their masters, but to the conditions that give these moods. The West was no kinder to the eastern-bred horse than to the eastern-bred man.

"Jest when Miss Frances says the word, Ma'am," returned the foreman, coolly. "Of course! Frances is mistress of the hunt," said the ranchman's wife, good-naturedly. Sue Latrop had been coaxed to leave her Eastern-bred horse behind on this occasion, and was upon one of the ponies broken to side-saddle work.