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We been frightened for dayth becauth of the earwigth we've theen like lobthters they wath two of 'em, Thir and the frightful way the canary creeper wath growing, and directly I heard the waptheth directly I 'eard 'em, Thir, I underthood. I didn't wait for nothing exthept to thow on a button I'd lortht, and then I came on up. Even now, Thir, I'm arf wild with angthiety, Thir.

"And you haven't got a solitary measurement of all these beautiful growth curves!" said Redwood. "I been too upthet, Thir," said Mr. Skinner. "If you knew what we been through me and the mithith! All thith latht month. We 'aven't known what to make of it, Thir. What with the henth gettin' tho rank, and the earwigth, and the canary creeper. I dunno if I told you, Thir the canary creeper ..."

'Ow do I know watth happenin' to Mithith Thkinner, Thir! Thereth the creeper growing all over the plathe like a thnake, Thir thwelp me but you 'ave to watch it, Thir, and jump out of itth way! and the earwigth gettin' bigger and bigger, and the waptheth . She 'athen't even got a Blue Bag, Thir if anything thould happen, Thir!" "But the hens," said Mr. Bensington; "how are the hens?"

It ithn't on'y the waptheth, Thir thereth big earwigth, Thir big ath that, Thir." And the thtinging nettleth by the runth, Thir, they're growing, Thir, and the canary creeper, Thir, what we thowed near the think, Thir it put itth tendril through the window in the night, Thir, and very nearly caught Mithith Thkinner by the legth, Thir. Itth that food of yourth, Thir.