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It was even more humiliating to know he had to do it because he couldn't afford not to. Babs appeared, obviously gloating over the mere fact that she was walking in magnetic-soled slippers on the steel decks of the space platform. Her eyes were very bright. She said: "Mr. Cochrane, hadn't you better come look at Earth out of the quartz Earthside windows?" "Why?" demanded Cochrane bitterly.

At this stage we are producing our own." "I'll bet," Kennedy said. "Look, any of you fellows want a real Earthside whisky? When we were crewing this expedition, why didn't we bring someone with a knowledge of distilling, brewing and such?" Mayer snapped at him, "Jerry, you drink too much." "The hell I do," the other said cheerfully. "Not near enough."

And nobody can adjust to Earthside life in a day. How about a drink?" Alan started to say that he didn't drink, but kept the words back. He was on Earth, now, not aboard the Valhalla; he wasn't required to keep ship's regs. And he didn't want to be trying to look superior. "Okay. How about Scotch is that the stuff MacIntosh was drinking?" "Fair enough," Hawkes said.

Chronic, now intermittent. But it'll fade. Same with your girl. Meanwhile, they won't let you go Earthside, but you'll be okay. I'll fly you out, close enough to the Station to get back, any morning before daylight, that you pick... Only, you won't tell, will you, Frank?" "No I promise if you think secrecy makes any difference.

I want to stay behind on Earth. By our charter you can't deny such a request." Captain Donnell moistened his lips slowly. "Agreed, I can't deny. But why, Alan?" "I think I can do more good Earthside. I want to look for Cavour's old notebooks; I think he developed the hyperdrive, and if I stay behind on Earth maybe I can find it. Or else I can build my own. So long, Dad.

The supply house, Earthside, had assured him that this pattern had never been exported to Mars. With them and the knife he'd selected, he might get by. The Solar Security office had given him the knife practice, to make sure he could use it, just as they'd made sure he hadn't taken extra money with him beyond the regulation amount.

Half a dozen doctors in the Blue Service of Diagnosis were checking new lab supplies ready to be loaded aboard. Three young Star Surgeons swung by just below Dal with their bright scarlet capes fluttering in the breeze, headed for customs and their first Earthside liberty in months.