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When they got to him he was helpless and sinking, and at last poor Dunkley sank to rise no more, and it was with difficulty the men returned to the beach. Near by stands Elizabeth Castle, on a little island which can be reached on dry land when the tide is out. The body drifted on the rocks around the castle and was discovered by the men within half an hour after he sank.

Jubilant speeches were made by Mrs. Harrington, State Senator E. V. Dunkley and Captain Morrison Shafroth to an audience of about 1,500. Governor Shoup was out of the city but sent a letter to be read. The Mayor was represented by Commissioner J. W. Sharpley.

The old man was soon persuaded by a moderate bribe to be our guide to the spot we wished to reconnoitre. He told us that parties of Boers were pretty often round that way, and that one had passed the previous night at the kraal. Dunkley agreed to stay with the horses, and Vice and I went on with the Kaffir. The country was grassy, with plentiful belts and clumps of silvery bush.

One morning Drum-Major Fielding, in company with Private Charles Dunkley, started to swim out. They kept together for some time. The bugler sounded the retire and Fielding obeyed the call, but Dunkley continued.

The enemy's position is along the hills north of the plain by the river chiefly north of it, but in places south. I am turning over my diary with the idea of giving you a notion of the sort of life we lead, but find nothing remarkable. "Last night, Vice, Dunkley, and I were on lookout on the kopje. There had been a heavy storm in the afternoon and another broke as we reached the hill.

When the drum-major arrived at the beach he was almost exhausted, and said he did not think that Dunkley, who was now trying to get back, would ever reach the beach unless there was help sent to him. The picket was at once sent to his assistance. While the men were reaching him he was drifting farther out.