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So the old folks ground the millet, and made the dumplings for him; and Little Peachling, after taking an affectionate leave of them, cheerfully set out on his travels. As he was journeying on, he fell in with an ape, who gibbered at him, and said, "Kia! kia! kia! where are you off to, Little Peachling?" "I'm going to the ogres' island, to carry off their treasure," answered Little Peachling.

Dabney's apple dumplings with that hard sugar stuff smothered with cream well, of course I could wait until breakfast, but I'd be mighty weak. Your night train carries no dining car."

A large dinner-bell pealed from the back door; and the priest went in to roast beef with Yorkshire pudding, apple dumplings, and a single glass of port-wine to end up with. It was strange how Maggie felt steadied and encouraged in the presence of something at least resembling danger.

"This Mr. Robert Armstrong of yours." "Of mine, uncle!" "He don't seem to care a snap o' the finger for any of ye." "Then, none of us must care for him, uncle." "Now, just the contrary. That always shows a young fellow who's attending to his business. If he'd seen you boil potatoes, make dumplings, beds, tea, all that, you'd have had a chance.

In consequence of this revulsion, they were always hungry; and sometimes, in spite of their resolution, they descended to torturing each other with talk of the good things there were in the world to eat. "Claire makes the most gorgeous apple dumplings!" said Marion on one of these occasions. "Apple dumplings? Ye-es," replied Haig judiciously. "But what about plain dumplings in chicken gravy?"

Round the corner was a delightful eating-house, through whose window you were allowed to gaze at the great sweating dumplings, and Tommy thought Shovel's mother was rather like a dumpling that had not been a complete success. If he ever knew her name he forgot it. For reasons less unselfish than his old girl's Shovel also was willing to make up to Tommy at this humiliating time.

"There now, you see how it is," he said, "as I told you long ago in Yarmouth; but you wouldn't believe me. Come, why need we keep up our quarrel any longer, when the girl tells you to your face that she prefers me? After all, we are of the same blood, good Norfolk dumplings both; and if I have done you any injury in the past, I am here ready to tender my best amends for it."

I had no prejudice against Saxon fare upon my arrival in Leipsic, but found, after a fortnight’s trial, that I could not possibly endure its unvarying boiled fresh beef, excessively insipid, with no other accompaniment than various kinds of beans stewed into a sort of porridge. Potato dumplings were a luxury with us.

Put in the dripping-pan with 1 sliced onion, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 carrots, 2 stalks of celery cut fine, 1 bay-leaf and a few cloves and peppercorns. Pour over 1 cup of stock and dredge with flour. Let bake in a quick oven; allow fifteen minutes to the pound. Serve with potato dumplings. Oysters a la Toulonaise. Drain large oysters; sprinkle with salt and pepper.

George III once asked in wonderment how the apples get inside the dumplings. How can a critic criticise a creator? The man who looks on writing things about the man who does things. But he criticises and artists owe him much. Neither in "ink-horn terms" nor in an "upstart Asiatic style" need the critic voice his opinions. He must be an artist in temperament and he must have a credo.