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He invented the Bowie knife, a terrible weapon in the hands of a resolute man. To be famed as a duelist is no worthy claim to admiration, but to fight hand to hand with knife for weapon is significant of high courage. Small as were their numbers, and slight as were their means of defence, the heroes of the Alamo fought on without flinching.

"A miracle will defeat the best of plans," he said to de Courcelles. "What do you mean, de Galisonnière?" asked de Courcelles with a show of effrontery. "That an unknown hunter should prove himself a better swordsman than your great duelist and bravo, Boucher." "Why do you call him my duelist and bravo, de Galisonnière?"

They coughed, drew closer together, looked curiously at some of the maids of honor, who, in order to support with greater propriety, or with more steadiness, the fixity of the inquisitorial looks bent upon them, adjusted their fans accordingly, and assumed the bearing of a duelist about to be exposed to his adversary's fire.

He had been a duelist, sportsman, gambler, lover, but to those of his old companions of pleasure whom chance brought to Rome he was only a devotee who lived economically, notwithstanding the fact that he had saved the remnants of a large fortune for alms, for reading and for collecting.

"I don't believe it," she cried, passionately. "It is a trick. She was quite well two months ago. At least, she said nothing " She checked herself, but too late. The practiced duelist laughed grimly in his mustache, as he might have done on discovering the weak point in his enemy's ward which laid him open to his rapier.

His chorus supported him Grandstone, Somerard, my engineer and the others in dignified black clothes, official boutonnières and ceremonial cravats: they greeted Frau Kranich with awe, and bowed before the polished head of the lawyer with the parallelism of ninepins. My little group of fellow-travelers was almost complete. The young duelist, of course, was not expected or wanted.

The signal to fire is given, and both weapons are discharged, and when the smoke had cleared away, what a spectacle was there presented to the duelist and spectator? Gen. Mason, a husband, a father, a statesman, and a kind friend, lies bleeding, and gasping for breath. He is no more! Who will bear to his loving and unsuspecting wife, the sad intelligence of her sudden bereavement?

I only blame you for one thing." "What is that, Sukey?" "When you had such a good chance, why didn't you aim higher?" The expression on Sukey's face was too ludicrous for even the young duelist, and he laughed in spite of himself. "Helloa, there's the town," cried Sukey, as they rounded a headland and entered the mouth of a broad bay, standing in toward a beautiful village.

Dickey's bullet had blown away part of the big Russian's chin and jaw, burying itself in the wall beyond. Prince Ugo's face was livid, and his black eyes bulged with horrified amazement. The unscrupulous, daring, infallible duelist whom he had induced to try conclusions with Quentin in a regular and effective way, had been overthrown at the outset by a most peculiar transaction of fate.

He had been a duelist, sportsman, gambler, lover, but to those of his old companions of pleasure whom chance brought to Rome he was only a devotee who lived economically, notwithstanding the fact that he had saved the remnants of a large fortune for alms, for reading and for collecting.