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"About three minutes later I'm over'auled by our sub-lootenant, navigatin' under forced draught, with his bearin's 'eated. 'E had the temerity to say I'd instructed our Antonio to sling his carcass in the alleyway, an' 'e was peevish about it. O' course, I prevaricated like 'ell. You get to do that in the service. Nevertheless, to oblige Mr. Ducane, I went an' readjusted Antonio.

The appearance of a person to another does not seem to be as difficult as the causing another person to appear to a third person. In this case the second person should apparently be hypnotised, and willed to appear to the third. The third person must know the second person. The apparition to Miss Ducane is interesting, and it is a pity it could not be recognised.

'Mistah Ducane, he says, 'what is this painful interregnum? or words to that effect. Ducane takes one step to the front, an' salutes: 'Only 'nother case of attempted assassination, Sir, he says. "'Is that all? says the old man, while Maclean sits on Glass's collar button. 'Take him away, 'e says, 'he knows the penalty." "Ah!

Ducane, 'e says to our sub-lootenant, 'to be out o' sight o' the 'ole pack o' blighted admirals! What's an admiral after all? 'e says. 'Why, 'e's only a post-captain with the pip, Mr. Ducane. The drill will now proceed. What O! Antonio, descendez an' get me a split.

Ducane catches him a sanakatowzer of a smite over the 'ead with the flat of his sword. Down comes Glass's rifle with language to correspond, and he fiddles with the bolt. Up jumps Maclean 'oo was a Gosport 'ighlander an' lands on Glass's neck, thus bringin' him to the deck, fully extended. "The old man makes a great show o' wakin' up from sweet slumbers.