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And learned Master Mumblazen, too, can say scholarly things of their inferiority." "C'EST L'HOMME," said Master Mumblazen, "QUI SE BAST, ET QUI CONSEILLE." "True," said Sir Hugh, "and we will bear us, therefore, like men who have both mettle and wisdom in us. Tressilian, thou art as welcome as if thou hadst brought better news. But we have spoken too long dry-lipped.

And, now, when one or other of the gaunt, dry-lipped survivors stumbled a dozen pairs of hungry eyes glittered, a dozen pairs of lips were wrinkled backward from as many sets of fangs, and consciousness of this had a sinister meaning for the stumbler; a meaning which brought a savage snarl to his throat as he regained his footing with quick, threatening looks from side to side and hackles bristling.

"Your honour," said Alison Breck, who was next in age to the deceased, "suld send doun something to us for keeping up our hearts at the lykewake, for a' Saunders's gin, puir man, was drucken out at the burial o' Steenie, and we'll no get mony to sit dry-lipped aside the corpse.

The letter is in duplicate, sent by two good messengers, who go by different routes. When Jocelyn looked up, dry-lipped, breathless, Nala was standing before her, beaming with self-importance. "Who gave you this?" "Marie at Msala." "Who is she?" "Oh Mr. Durnovo's woman at Msala. She keeps his house." "But this letter is for Mr. Durnovo," cried Jocelyn, whose fear made her unreasonably angry.

It had been very trying for him to watch Sweeny drinking whisky while he remained dry-lipped. "Let you go down to the kitchen," said Sweeny, "and borrow the loan of my shot gun. There's cartridges in the drawer of the table beyond in the room. You can take two of them." "If it's to shoot the master," said Peter Walsh, "I'll not do it. I've a respect for him ever since " "Talk sense.

Your husband I beg your pardon, the prince would perhaps take a different view of the case. It is a pretty story. I will tell it to him unless I have your implicit obedience." Etta stood dry-lipped before him. She tried to speak, but no words came from her lips. De Chauxville looked at her with a quiet smile of triumph, and she knew that he loved her.

You've done a big thing for me for the Argus; and all I have to hand you in return is a death sentence. MacFarlane is back." "Here? In town?" "Yes. And that isn't the worst of it. The governor sent for him." "Have you any idea what is in the wind?" asked Kent, dry-lipped. "I am afraid I have. My young men have been nosing around in the Trans-Western affair, and several things have developed.

You might ask her, if she were a widow, to marry you; but how will you ask her, if she's still a wife, to get a divorce and then marry you? How will you suggest that to a woman whose constancy to her mistake has made her sacred to you?" Halleck seemed about to answer; but he only panted, dry-lipped and open-mouthed, and Atherton continued: "You would have to corrupt her soul first.

In the spring, when the old people get the coughs which give them a few shakes and their lives drop in pieces like the ashes of a burned thread which have kept the threadlike shape until they were stirred, in the hot summer noons, when the strong man comes in from the fields, like the son of the Shunamite, crying, "My head, my head," in the dying autumn days, when youth and maiden lie fever-stricken in many a household, still-faced, dull-eyed, dark-flushed, dry-lipped, low-muttering in their daylight dreams, their fingers moving singly like those of slumbering harpers, in the dead winter, when the white plague of the North has caged its wasted victims, shuddering as they think of the frozen soil which must be quarried like rock to receive them, if their perpetual convalescence should happen to be interfered with by any untoward accident, at every season, the narrow sulky rolled round freighted with unmeasured burdens of joy and woe.

I give it, because you say you care for him as I do. Will you advise me what to do? you, who are more entitled than I am to know the truth, because he has given you the friendship which he has as yet not accorded to me." But Sylvia, dry-eyed, dry-lipped, could find no voice to answer; and after a little while they rose and moved through the fragrant gloom toward the sparkling lights beyond.