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I thought 'twas a veesion that was opening up tee me and that a' was about to be made clear, when as though a curtain had been droppit before my een, it went awe' an' I kenned it nae more; but plain plain, I heerd the howling o' a dog." Kerry started and clutched the arms of the chair. "A dog!" he said. "A dog!"

"My hairt beat sair fast and then grew caud. I droppit on my knees and prayed as I ha' ne'er prayed afore. Dan, Dan, I thought ye were gene from me." "I nearly was," said Kerry, a faint spark of his old truculency lighting up the weary eyes. "The man from Whitehall only missed me by a miracle." "'Twas the miracle o' prayer, Dan," declared his wife in a low, awe-stricken voice.

Not till they droppit frae the skies frae Zeppelins and German Gothas ha' armed men stood on British soil in centuries and they, the baby killers frae the skies, were no alarming when they came doon to earth. Now, wull we be changing all the things all our centuries ha' taught us to be good and useful? Maybe we wull.

We had the supreme felicity of extending the hospitalities of our humble house in York to Mr. We return from this digression to the group at the fire-side of the Holms. "How did you get away?" asked Zenas. "Tam here gied 'em French leave," replied Sandy, "He just droppit oot o' a port-hole into the water after the guard made his rounds and got awa in the mirk; I wonner he was na droonded."