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Such a great hurry that he didn't have time to see you and tell you he was going." "Didn't he come back? Isn't he on the steamer?" Anne asked anxiously. Miss Drayton shook her head. "I think not, dear. They've looked everywhere." Tears were trickling down the child's pale cheeks. "And he left me all by myself?" "No, dear; no, little one." Miss Drayton drew the little figure into her lap.

Patterson laughed, glancing toward Anne. "Why, she carries her letters of credit in her face. Look at that earnest mouth, those honest eyes. I'd trust them anywhere." "Oh, well!" Miss Drayton put the subject aside. "Her people will turn up and claim her. There are lots of them, it seems. She's always talking about Aunt This and Uncle That and Cousin the Other. Why, Emily!

"This is something you'll want to hear," he said to Miss Drayton and then he read aloud an article with these headlines: Truth Stranger than Fiction "Felon Gives himself up "Returns to take his Punishment." Mr.

Her Majesty and himself were the guests of Sir Robert Peel at Drayton Manor, and the Prince took the opportunity to come to Birmingham, to inspect some of the manufactories. There is reason to believe that the impressions he received that day were lasting, and that he ever afterwards took a very warm interest in the town and its various industries. Mr. Thomas Weston was Mayor at the time.

Doctor Drayton had completed rather more than half his journey, when, looking to the right, his attention was drawn to a small, dark object, nearly covered with snow. Instinctively he reined up his horse. "Good heavens!" he exclaimed, "it must be a boy. God grant he is not frozen!" He leaped from his sleigh, and lifted the insensible body. "It is an Italian boy, and here is his violin.

Her famous laugh rang mechanically. She smiled at the wisdom of dukes, and became sad at the funny stories of millionaires. Society voted her a good wife but bad company, and confined its attentions to cards of inquiry. And for this relief the Honourable Mrs. Drayton was grateful, for Billy waned weaker and weaker. In the world of shadows in which she moved, he was the one real thing.

"The Charity lady told me just to ask for one stingy old thing! I knowed my children's stomachs and I got 'em filled up good. Run around the table again now, you John Edward and Elmore, so's to jostle your victuals down and make room for the cake and ice-cream." Miss Drayton presently heard a great smacking of lips from the corner where the twins sat.

Drayton tells us that the prize at the coursing meetings held on the Cotswolds in his day was a silver-studded collar. Shakespeare, in his Merry Wives of Windsor alludes to the coursing on "Cotsall." There is an excellent club at Cirencester. The hares in this district are remarkably big and strong-running.

He's an old man, and he came down played out and sick. Now I guess he's slowly dying." He paused a moment. "Would you like to see him?" "I'll go with you now, if it's convenient," Vane replied. Drayton said that he might spare another half-hour without getting into trouble, and they crossed the city to where a row of squalid frame shacks stood on its outskirts.

It was a pretty sight, for in the girls' boat a line of colored sweaters and waving caps lent life to the gray of the waters, while Drayton, in his glistening, highly-polished Dixie, only needed the glint that the sun lent to complete the picture afforded by his fine craft. "Oh, isn't this glorious!" exclaimed Marita. "I thought I should be frightened, but this is lovely."