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"No, I'm afraid you're not." And sighing, she turned away. But as she crossed the room, her step slow and listless, he spoke, his head down-bent and face hidden between clenched hands, voicing, almost despite himself, the questions that had tortured him so long. "Say, Hermy, where's Geoff? How is he I mean you you ain't heard anything have you?"

Edward's eyes strayed continually to the bar of dusty sunlight where she sat, her down-bent face as mysterious as all vitality is when seen in a new aspect. The demure look she wore in chapel was contradicted by a nascent wildness hovering about her lips. Edward tried to keep his attention on the prayers, and wished he was an Episcopalian, and had his prayers ready-made for him.

With head down-bent, the girl followed her father through the house. Mata helped them into the two new, shining jinrikishas, a dragon-crest blazoned on the one for Umè's use. She scolded the kuruma men in her shrill voice, giving a dozen instructions in one sentence, and pretending anger at their answering jests. On the doorstep stood the little seamstress ready to cast a handful of dried peas.

With down-bent necks, their faces unconsciously lighted up by strangely happy smiles, a prostitute and a miserable drunkard look at the child. This little life, "weak as a fire in the steppe," calls to them vaguely, and it seems to promise them something beautiful, clear, and immortal.

Anthony bowed to Diana, laughed, and drew his wife a little closer all in the same moment, it seemed; then Barbara turned to look into the vivid, dark beauty of Diana's down-bent face where she knelt, and for a long moment eyes of blue stared up into eyes of grey, a long, questioning look. "May I kiss you?" said Barbara at last.

Then, to keep myself in countenance, or to smoke, I have struck a match, but I make no use of the gleam at my finger-tips. It shows me Marie, quivering a little; it gilds her pale face. A smile arises on her face; I have seen her full of that smile. My eyes grow dim and my hands tremble. I wish she would speak. "Tell me " Her down-bent neck unfolds, and she lifts her head to speak.

Quoth Walkyn, grim-smiling: "There is in this world no axe like unto it save one that was my brother's and shall be thine henceforth, Ulf the Strong. Come now, and I will give it unto thee." Then bent they reverently before the Abbess, saluted Beltane and, side by side, strode away together. "Would all feuds might so end, sweet son," sighed the Abbess, her wistful eyes down-bent upon the fire.

How we glared, also, at any brilliant competitor, whose down-bent head seemed too intent on mastering the subject set before him; and, whose ready pen appeared to be travelling over paper at far too expeditious a rate for our chances of winning the clerkly race! With what horror and despair, we confronted a "poser" that was placed to catch us napping: how we jumped at anything easy!

And how was he to know of the eyes that had watched him through the hedge, or that the hand that held the needle had paused lest he should see how direfully it trembled: how should my Beltane know all this, who was but a very man? A while stood he, viewing her with eyes aglow with yearning tenderness, and she, knowing this, kept her face down-bent, therefore.

Are you talking at me, Leda? Do not I follow Destiny? 'You? she sighed, with down-bent face: 'ah, poor me! 'What should I do if I followed it? said I, with a crazy curiosity. Her face hung lower, paler, in trouble: and she said: 'You would come now and sit near me here. You would not be there where you are. You would be always and for ever near me.... My good God! I felt my face redden.