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So too Bougainville, a brother of the navigator, said in 1760, "For an attentive observer who sees nothing in events of the utmost diversity of appearance but the natural effects of a certain number of causes differently combined, Greece is the universe in small, and the history of Greece an excellent epitome of universal history." Doutes sur l'Ordre Naturel; Oeuv., xi. 80. La Législation, I. i.

Though foolish people talked of him as a heretic, or even an infidel, he was in truth one of the most devout of men. That noble passage in Renan's play fits him exactly. The Almighty, conversing as in Job with one of His Heavenly Ministers as to this Planet's people, says: Apprends, enfant fidèle, ma tendresse pour ceux qui doutent ou qui nient. Ces doutes, ces négations sont fondés en raison; ils viennent de mon obstination

It was at her suggestion that he went to England, after a brief stay in Holland, while she repaired to Paris. His mission which he accomplished was to publish his "Considérations sur l'Ordre de Cincinnatus" and his "Doutes sur la Liberté de l'Escaut;" while her mission, also successful, was to establish peace between Mirabeau and the authorities at the French capital.

"C'est ne pas sans raison que monsieur F jouit d'une si grande reputation. Je n'ai plus de doutes, graces a Dieu et a monsieur F e. " "It is not without reason that monsieur Fizes enjoys such a large share of reputation. I have no doubts remaining; thank Heaven and monsieur Fizes." To this I received for answer. "Monsieur n'a plus de doutes: j'en suis charme. Receu douze livres. F , &c."