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I do not take the Duke of Orléans or Mirabeau to be built du bois dont on les fait; no, nor Monsieur Necker. He may be a great traitor, if he made the confusion designedly: but it is a woful evasion, if the promised financier slips into a black politician!

"How do I know whether she is at home or not. I left her there. Very likely she is with her Aunt Marian, telling stories about her mother." "She is better there than with you. What harm has she done you that you should talk about her in that way?" "No harm. I dont object to her being there. She has very pleasant conversations with Mrs. Ned, which she retails to me at home.

The truth, as you call it, would put the Rotterjacks in for the next twenty years. It would be the end of me politically. Not that I care for that: I am only too willing to retire if you can find a better man. Dont hesitate on my account. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. No, Ambrose: you are indispensable. There is no one else. THE ENVOY. Very well, then. What are you going to do?

Pa says it has learned him a lesson and they can never get any more pizen down him, but don't you give me away, will you, cause he would go and complain to the police about the dog, and they would shoot it. Ma will be back as soon as she gets through sneezing, and I will tell her, and she will give me a cho-meo, cause she dont like to have Pa drink only between meals. Well, good day.

What makes me speak about the lake is that for a long time I thought these verses, Ton ame est un lac d'amour Dont mes pensees sont les cygnes. Vois comme ils font le tour....

Mar. 12. rany. i went to church. the minister said it was esy to be good if you tride. i gess ministers dont know much ennyway.

We are getting through the champagne at the rate of about thirty pounds a month, not counting what we pay for when we dine in town." "Well, what matter! Champagne does nobody any harm; and I get awfully low without it." "All right, my dear. So long as you please yourself, and dont injure your health, I dont care. Here's a letter of yours put among mine by mistake.

It doesn't matter how you behave. But keep your wits about you when the pythoness ascends, or you will forget the questions you have come to ask her. THE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Tch-ch! The priestess of the oracle. A sybil. A prophetess. Not a snake. THE WIFE. How awful! ZOO. I'm glad you think so. THE WIFE. Oh dear! Dont you think so? ZOO. No.

But the man who does not work anyhow, and the class that does not work, is a class below mine. When I annoyed Marian by refusing to wear a tall hat and cuffs, I did so because I wanted to have it seen as I walked through Piccadilly and St. James's Street that I did not belong there, just as your people walk through a poor street dressed so as to shew that they dont belong there.

June 12. brite and fair. Beany has a auful sore arm. he dont dass to rassle or fite or do ennything. June 13. brite and fair. Pewt has got one two. tomorrow nite the doctor is coming.