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"Friend of a friend of mine. I think I'll take a chance and go down just for a little while. Save some grub for me. I won't be long. May make a date for to-night. Want to fill in?" "If there's room." "Sure, we'll make room, and I'll get you a girl. Some of us are going to the Hyperion. Nice little play there," and Dunk went on "dolling up," until he was at least partly satisfied with himself.

She gathered up her baby once more; but when her eye fell upon its miserably short little gray tow-linen shirt and noted the contrast between its pauper shabbiness and her own volcanic eruption of infernal splendors, her mother-heart was touched, and she was ashamed. "No, dolling mammy ain't gwine to treat you so. De angels is gwine to 'mire you jist as much as dey does yo' mammy.

"Dolling up," thought Linder. "Trust a woman never to miss a bet." But at that moment a door opened, and the girl appeared. She did not burst upon them, as Linder had half expected; she slipped quietly and gracefully into their presence.

Featherless biped mammals that we are, what need have we in common that might conceivably provide a good and sufficient reason for the dolling up to which I am about to subject myself?

"Oh, dolling!" he wailed, his tone poisonously amorous. "Oh, dolling Henery! Oo's dot de mos' booful eyes in a dray bid nasty world. Henery! Oh, has I dot booful eyes, dolling Pattywatty? Yes, I has! I has dot pretty eyes!" His voice rose unbearably. "Oh, what prettiest eyes I dot! Me and Herbie Atwater! Oh, my booful eyes! Oh, my booful "

Each creed has brought out men who were an honour to the human race, and Manning or Shrewsbury, Gordon or Dolling, Booth or Stopford Brooke, are all equally admirable, however diverse the roots from which they grow.

"Queer the women folks have never fixed this place up a little," said Peter Knight, standing waist-deep in the grave, with John. "Most places I've been, women keep the graves like they would a little garden." Charleton Falkner, resting on a neighboring headstone, smiled sardonically. "Lost Chief women have enough to do without dolling up graves." Cold sweat stood on Doug's forehead.

Instead of a quirt she carried a fan in her hand and there was a handkerchief tucked into her belt. The chrysalis of the cowgirl had burst and this butterfly had emerged. Of late it was not often that Frances had "dolled up," as the old Captain called it. Now he said, enthusiastically: "My! you do look sweet! What's all the dolling up for? Me? The Chinks? Or maybe that boy upstairs, eh?"

And as I felt that day in far-off Umbria, so I have felt to-day in England; my heart goes out to Catherine Booth; to Father Dolling, to these Christs of the wayside, and it turns more and more from the kind of Christ who lives in churches and nowhere else. My brethren, you will let me say that we do but make the church Christ's prison when we forget that all the realm of life is His.

I have often wondered, while 'dolling up, as the strikingly appropriate modernism puts it, for such a function, whether there is any universal reason why a reluctant man should go to an afternoon tea. There are, of course, many individual reasons, more or less important to the individual tea-goer; but for us the impulsion comes inevitably from without.