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This is the ode "On Losing a Latchkey," which is worth all the rest of the pieces put together. New York Reaping Hook: It is odd that Mr. Dove Dulcet, of Philadelphia we believe should have been able to find a publisher for this volume. These queer little doggerels have an instinctive affinity for oblivion, and they will soon coalesce with the driftwood of the literary Sargasso Sea.

Sam had a great wish to follow in the footsteps of his master and be a poet, and was therefore often heard singing doggerels of his own composition. But there was one drawback to Sam, and that was his color. He was one of the blackest of his race. This he evidently regarded as a great misfortune; but he endeavored to make up for it in dress. Mr.

This time, however, there was a new thing in his manner. 'How did you get it? he repeated. Methods of literary production beyond his own doggerels were a mystery to him. 'Sort of inspiration, eh? 'Woke with it, I tell you, continued his cousin, twisting the muffler so that it tickled his ear now instead of his chin.

One, when only four years old, was given to Sir Isaac Newton to make a stand for his telescope, and another seems to have had a narrow escape from being handed over to a less celebrated astronomer, some years later. The May-day morris-dancers, like the Christmas mummers, performed sword-dances and sang appropriate doggerels in costume.

"Ah, duke, instead of giving me my surprise, you beat me with doggerels. That comes from having a Goethe for companion and friend. Crazy tricks, like chicken-pox, are contagious, and the latter you have caught, duke. It is a new kind of genius distemper. Very fortunately, our dear Countess Werther has another malady, or she might be infected. Perhaps she has it already, Count Werther how is it?

Sam had a great wish to follow in the footsteps of his master, and be a poet; and was, therefore, often heard singing doggerels of his own composition. But there was one great drawback to Sam, and that was his colour. He was one of the blackest of his race. This he evidently regarded as a great misfortune. However, he made up for this in his dress. Mr.

Sam had a great wish to follow in the footsteps of his master and be a poet, and was therefore often heard singing doggerels of his own composition. But there was one drawback to Sam, and that was his color. He was one of the blackest of his race. This he evidently regarded as a great misfortune; but he endeavored to make up for it in dress. Mr.

"Don't break up the furniture," his sister advised him, as she took a peep at the pies in the oven. "'Pies and poetry'!" exclaimed Jess. "Go ahead, Bobby. Relieve your constitution of those sad, sad doggerels." Nothing loath, the younger girl, and with twinkling eyes, sing-songed the following: "'There was a young sailor of Gloucester, Who had a sweetheart, but he loucest'er.