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It had a good deal of a kind of crooning whine about it, but yet was not a whine. It was just a cry of almost overpowering joy and gladness; and it was so uncannily different from any dog-talk she had ever heard, that the singed and frightened husky bitch by the fire stood gaping open-mouthed to harken at it.

I have come to consider the adventure quite too good to be lost, and the experiment in aerial navigation, which came so near proving successful, of too much importance to science to be suppressed. Hence, conquering my repugnance, I have decided, on my own responsibility, to give these interesting and valuable particulars to the world. Exactly, Dog-Talk.

But they make human speeches of eloquence cheaper 'n dirt. Sure it's speech. Dog-talk that's tongue-tied. Don't I know?

He waved his bushy tail gratefully, cocked his head on one side, and, his ears standing up at attention, his eyes glistening greedily, he gave a little, begging whine. "Oh, he's asking for more!" cried Elizabeth Ann, surprised to see how plainly she could understand dog-talk. "Quick, Uncle Henry, give me another piece!"

Then we-uns ketches up and finishes him." "Mebbe you-uns don't know that a dew-clawed dog is snake-proof " But somebody, thinking that dog-talk had gone far enough, produced a bottle of soothing-syrup that was too new to have paid tax. Then we discovered that there was musical talent, of a sort, in Little John.

"I believe you are about right there, old fellow, so far as this country goes at least!" said Archer "different dogs for different soils and seasons and, in my judgment, setters are far the best this side the Atlantic but it is late now, and I can't stand chattering here good night you shall have as much dog-talk as you like to-morrow."

Rollo began to cavort. "No, Rollo; not this afternoon." "But I've got to go!" insisted Rollo, in perfectly understandable dog-talk. "Be still!" "Oh, come along! I've just got to have my muck bath. I'm burning up." "Rollo!" There were no locks or panelled doors in the bungalow; and Rollo was aware of it. He dashed against the screen door before she could catch him and made the veranda.

Presently, to my surprise, I heard the Doctor trying him in different animal languages. "How do you do?" he said in dog-talk; "I am glad to see you," in horse-signs; "How long have you been buried?" in deer-language. Still the Indian made no move but stood there, straight and stiff, understanding not a word. The Doctor tried again, in several other animal dialects. But with no result.

"But we can't make this eagle understand." "Why not?" immediately demanded Vi. "Because we can't talk bird-talk," replied Rose, giggling. "When I go to school I'll learn bird-talk," announced Mun Bun. "And I'll learn to talk dog-talk and cat-talk, too. Then they'll all know what I mean." "That is a splendid idea, dear," Rose said warmly. "You do just that."

Eds. Having thus calked my Dog-Talk bark, in fact with this very tough bit of yarn, I now trustfully commit it to the mercies of the "Atlantic." A hot and dusty journey of some six hours brought us to Matanzas at high noon.