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"That you cannot tell except you knew all about his nature, and every point of his history from the beginning of the creation till now. I dare not judge even a dog-fish. And whatever his deserts, I don't choose to hate him, because I don't choose to hate." She turned away, and Vavasor saw she wanted no more of the dog-fish. "Oh!" cried Saffy, with a face of terror, "look, look, mamma!

The variety of fish taken alone made the voyage of absorbing interest, numbering cod, haddock, ling, hake, turbot, soles, plaice, halibut, whiting, crayfish, shark, dog-fish, and many quaint monsters unmarketable then, but perfectly edible.

"Look at that dog-fish," said Vavasor, pointing to the largest in the tank. "What a brute! Don't you hate him, Miss Raymount?" "I am not willing to hate any live thing," answered Hester with a smile, " from selfish motives, perhaps; I feel as if it would be to my own loss, causing me some kind of irreparable hurt." "But you would kill such a creature as that would you not?" he rejoined.

"You've had a precious narrow squeak, my friend," he observed pleasantly. The man nodded. "If you hadn't 'a come along as you did, sir, I'd 'ave bin dead by now dead as a dog-fish." Then turning round he shook his gnarled fist over the Betty's stern in the direction of the vanished launch. "Sunk me wi' their blarsted wash," he quavered; "that's what they done."

Cave had to deliver a consignment of dog-fish at one of the hospital schools, where they were needed for dissection. In his absence Mrs. Cave's mind reverted to the topic of the crystal, and the methods of expenditure suitable to a windfall of five pounds.

Only one canoe came off to us at this place, containing twelve men, who had a few yams with them, which they appeared very indifferent about parting with; at least, they demanded very exorbitant prices, as a piece of iron for a single yam, for which, at Maidstone Bay, we could have purchased eight or ten. We caught here a large dog-fish, a species of ground shark. Friday, Dec. 14.

Let me ask then, what is it that makes you feel as if you might hate?" "If you will look again at the dog-fish, and tell me the expression of its mouth, I may be able to answer you," she returned. "I will," said Vavasor; and, betaking himself to a farther portion of the tank, he stood there watching a little shoal of those sharks of the northern seas. While he was gone Cornelius rejoined them.

"There is no fear of that!" answered the puppet, shrugging his shoulders and touching his forehead as much as to say: "There is so much sense here!" Now it happened that one fine day, as he was on his way to school, he met several of his usual companions who, coming up to him, asked: "Have you heard the great news?" "No." "In the sea near here a Dog-Fish has appeared as big as a mountain."

From their absurd answers and silly laughter Pinocchio perceived that his companions had been making a fool of him, in inducing him to believe a tale with no truth in it. Taking it very badly, he said to them angrily: "And now, may I ask what fun you could find in deceiving me with the story of the Dog-Fish?" "Oh, it was great fun!" answered the little rascals in chorus.

What are the eggs of the Skate and the Dog-fish like? 2. How does the Sea-stickleback build his nest? 3. Where would you find the Sand Goby, the Pipe-fish, and the Sea-stickleback? 4. How does the Sand Goby build its nest? The ogre of the fairy-tale is bad enough, but, for evil looks, the Octopus is worse still.