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He was certainly a dreadful-looking animal, but he had an enormous mouth, which Toddie caressed with his pudgy little hand, and kissed with tenderness, murmuring as he did so: "DEE old whay-al, I loves you. Is Jonah all goneded out of you 'tomach, whay-al? I finks 'twas weal mean in Djonah to get froed up when you hadn't noffin' else to eat, POOR old whay-al."

We rode quietly back to the house, and while I was asking Maggie to try to coax Toddie into taking a nap, I heard the patient remark to his brother: "Budgie, down to the village I was a whay-al. I didn't froe up Djonah, but I froed up a whole floor full of uvver fings."

It came nearer it came down the stairway and into the library, accompanied by Toddie, who, on spying me, dropped his inarticulate utterance, held up both hands, and exclaimed: "Djonah bwoke he tay-al!"

"Wantsh to see the whay-al what fwollowed Djonah," sobbed Toddie. "Can't you demand something that's within the range of possibility, Toddie?" I mildly asked. "The whale Toddie means is in this big red book, I'll find it for you," said Budge, turning over the leaves. Suddenly a rejoicing squeal from Toddie announced that leviathan had been found, and I hastened to gaze.

I shouted, hurrying under the window to catch him in case he fell outward. "I tan't," squealed Toddie. "Mike, run up-stairs and snatch him in; Toddie, go on, I tell you!" "Tell you I TAN'T doe in," repeated Toddie. "ZE bit bots ish ze whay-al, an' I'ez Djonah, an' ze whay-al's froed me up, an' I'ze dot to 'tay up here else ze whay-al 'ill fwallow me aden." "I won't LET him swallow you.