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He was violent and florid, as district-attorneys usually are. He congratulated the counsel for the defence on his "loyalty," and skilfully took advantage of this loyalty. He reached the accused through all the concessions made by his lawyer. The advocate had seemed to admit that the prisoner was Jean Valjean. He took note of this. So this man was Jean Valjean.

Collectors were ... each authorized to employ from five to ten additional deputies.... Experienced revenue agents of perseverance and courage were assigned to duty to co-operate with the collectors. United States marshals were called upon to co-operate with the collectors and to arrest all persons known to have violated the laws, and district-attorneys were enjoined to prosecute all offenders.

Any citizen of the United States and qualified elector of the state, is eligible to the office of governor or lieutenant-governor. A secretary of state, a treasurer, and an attorney-general, are elected for two years. Sheriffs, coroners, registers of deeds, and district-attorneys, are elected in counties, for two years. Sheriffs are ineligible for the next two years. Judiciary.

Other inferior courts may be established by the legislature. An attorney-general is chosen by the electors of the state, and a competent number of district-attorneys in their respective districts. A sheriff and one or more coroners are elected in each county for two years. Executive.

Justices of the peace are elected for two years by the electors in each parish, district, or ward. An attorney-general and a requisite number of district-attorneys, are elected for four years; the former by the electors of the whole state, the latter in their respective districts. A sheriff and a coroner are elected in each parish for two years. Electors.