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My first impulse was to tell Sir Henry all my plans. My second and wisest one is to play my own game and speak as little as possible to anyone. He is silent and distrait. His nerves have been strangely shaken by that sound upon the moor. I will say nothing to add to his anxieties, but I will take my own steps to attain my own end. We had a small scene this morning after breakfast.

I am able to give but the bare facts, yet I must assume that the emotions of Belknap-Jackson as he waited there during the ensuing two hours were of a quite distressing nature. As much was intimated by several observant townspeople who passed him. He was said to be distrait; to be smoking his cigarettes furiously. At four-thirty his lordship reappeared.

He liked to visit his old home, and was faithful to his old crony, his aging mother, still; and, for a time, after any of these sojourns among the birds and squirrels and in the forest, he would be distrait and preoccupied with something; but all this would wear off, and then would come the press for place and pelf again.

As his shape grew burly and his head of hair enormous, the smallness of his extremities became accentuated. His little hands were always folded away as he tripped upon his tiny feet. His movements were slow and distrait. He wasted few words on the current incidents of life, and I was myself the witness, in 1899, of his sang-froid under distressing circumstances.

At breakfast he was distrait so much so that his wife asked him what was the matter. Taking her aside, he at once showed her the telegrams. "You see my duty," he said. "My only thought is about you, my dear child. Will you stay here?" She simply replied, looking into his face without a tremor: "My place is with you." Then the conductor called "All aboard," and the train once more started.

She is distrait. Twice this afternoon she has asked me if I didn't want to walk down into the village, to the postoffice or the library. What she really wanted to do was to walk past the place where he lives. Oh, I know the symptoms. I've had them myself, when I was younger than I am now. We don't do the things at thirty-two that we did at twenty-four.

"Or maybe it's for Molly," she added. "Ef she's ever heard a word from either Sam Woodhull or " "Hush! I do not want to hear that name!" broke in her husband. "Trouble enough he has made for us!" His wife made no comment for a moment, still watching the stranger, who was now riding up the long approach, little noted by Wingate as he sat, moody and distrait.

His blue coat was old not much protection, she thought, against the storm. The false prophet had hitherto appeared quite as terrible to her imagination and as far removed from real life as the wild beast of story books; now he appeared very much like any other man rather more kind in his actions, perhaps, and distrait in his thought. Susannah began to think herself a discoverer.

"As she approached the disturbed beauty, the tension in her mien relaxed, and she regarded the distrait countenance before her with a glance that was anything but unfriendly, in so far as it was possible to determine the nature of the sentiment in hiding behind that austere visage.

Holt's nightly bezique, which he played with Susan, did not seem to be going as well as usual, and elsewhere conversation was a palpable pretence. Mr. Spence, who was attempting to entertain the two daughters-in-law, was clearly distrait if his glances meant anything. Robert and Joshua had not appeared, and Mrs.