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Well, Father Tom laughed like to burst. At last, says he, "Pather Sancte," says he, "sub errore jaces. 'Looking-glass' apud nos habet significationem quamdam peculiarem ex tempore diei dependentem," there was a sthring ov accusatives for yes! "nam mane speculum sonat," says he, "post prandium vero mat mat mat sorra be in me but I disremimber the classic appellivation ov the same article.

Willyum th' Conq'ror was Irish on his mother's side, an' he bate th' heads off iv th' bloody Sassenach, an' soaked their king wan in th' eye wid a bow 'n' arry at a fight I disremimber th' name of, back a thousand years before Willyum th' Dutchman may his sowl get its needin's! come out iv his swamps. I tell yez th' McHales come from Galway.

He writes that his agints has their eyes on two fine dongolas, an' he has tiligraphed thim t' catch thim." "Are they near by, Mike?" asked Casey, much interested. "Naw," said Toole. "'Twill be some time till I git thim. Th' last he heard of thim they were swimmin' in th' Lake of Geneva." "Is it far, th' lake?" asked Casey. "I disremimber how far," said Toole.

"Some," was the laconic reply. The Irishman scratched his head again with a puzzled air. "I disremimber entire. Was there some throuble maybe?" The other grinned. "Things was movin' a few." Patrick Mooney nodded his head. "Uh-huh: mostly they do under thim circumstances. Av course there'd be a policeman, or maybe two?" "Five," said the man with the lines, gently. "Five! Howly Mither!

The other, pleased with the success of his mental effort, continued: "Uh-huh an' I was havin' a peaceful dhrink wid thim all whin somewan made impedent remarks touchin' me appearance, or ancestors, I disremimber which. But where was you?" "Well, you see," explained the driver in his slow way, "hit was like this. That there saloon were plumb full of sailor-men all exceptin' you an' me.

Troth it's the quare bawls I might be lettin' these times afore the rest of them 'ud hear me, for if it's lost I am, I'm strayin' a terrible long while; they're apt to disremimber they ever owned me. I do be thinkin', ma'am, that if you forgit what you've lost, 'tis maybe all the one thing as if you'd found it; and after that agin I do be thinkin' maybe 'twould be liker losin' it twyste over.

I was hearin' in Frisco, where I went the last time I drawed me pay, that he was like to be on the S. an' C. extension. 'Twas that that took me to San Felipe, bein' wishful to get a job wid him again. Well, well, an' to think ut's the Seer himsilf!" "What's that you call him?" "The Seer. I disremimber his other name but he's got wan all shtraight an' proper. He's that kind.

If you had asked him, he would probably have replied: "I disremimber; it was to the Baltic, and cruel cowld weather, and I was say-sick till I near brought me boots up; and it was 'O for ould Ireland! I was cryin' all the time, an' the captin dhrummin me back with a rope's end to the tune uv it but the name of the hooker I disremimber bad luck to her, whoever she was!"

"A mistake, ma'am!" said he, with well-feigned surprise "well, indeed, ma'am, it's not unlikely; for, to tell you the truth, I've a vile mimory sorra thing a'most but I disremimber, in a day or two after it happens." "Do you not remember," she proceeded, with a melancholy smile, "a negotiation we had when you were here last?" "A what, ma'am?" "A a purchase you made from me," she added.

Och, musha, I forget who I'm spakin' to, or I wouldn't disremimber the ould sayin' that's abroad this many a year: 'who ever knew a M'Carthy of Tubber Derg to tell a lie, break his word, or refuse to help a friend in distress. But, Owen, you're well to do in' the world?" "We're as well, Bridget, or may be betther, nor you ever knew us, except, indeed, afore the ould lase was run out wid us."