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Phil frowned, looking at his empty hand. It seemed to him that the spray of flowers had inexplicably vanished. There was an elusive sense of disorientation, a feeling of something overlooked. There was the tag-end of a remembered grief. There was "You were right, Uncle Phil. They have no scent." "What?" He looked around blankly, saw Timmy tossing the spray aside. "Oh ... there it is.

Within purposelessness, disorientation, and futility in life's wanderings his was the global experience of the majority. After breakfast he continued to erode and blow off life's embankment but he was sanguine for here he was once again in America, the country that made up so many of his years.

But Rynch had prudently withdrawn under a bush, and the scent of its aromatic leaves must have discouraged the sparks, for no such crown came to his sentry post. Drugged with fatigue, the younger man slept, awaking to full day, a fog of bewilderment and disorientation. To open his eyes to this blue-green pocket instead of to four dirty walls, was wrong.

That was a good sign, and Tarlac had to resist a temptation to run; walking would be faster than running himself to collapse and having to recover. He had a momentary sensation of disorientation: In Kranath's time, this had all been wooded, but when the capital had been established atop Godhome, much of the surrounding area had been turned into parks and farmland. Godhome.

There was a moment of dazed disorientation, a weird sensation of falling through unstable space in which there had never been and never would be firm footing again. He was rolling across rock outside the curtain of the gap. He sat up, the feeling of being adrift in unmeasurable nothingness making him sick, to watch mistily as the blue beast came to a halt.

This is one of the most interesting and important of the stupor symptoms. We are accustomed to think of the functional psychoses having symptoms to do with emotions and ideas in the main, and, conversely, that disorientation, etc., observed in such cases is merely the result of distraction, poor attention or coöperation.

The features of this defect are a difficulty in grasping the nature of the environment, a slowness in elaborating what impressions are received, with resulting disorientation, poor performance of any set tests and incomplete memory for external events when recovery has taken place.

The casual facility of memory bridged time and space without disorientation. He was strolling in the evening with his bride, Andra's arm linked with his for the added pleasure of physical contact.

Asset exchanges the world over are now adjusting to this harrowing realization that cost free goods are worth little in terms of revenues and that people are badly disposed to react to zero marginal costs. The new economy caused a massive disorientation and dislocation of the market and the price mechanism. Hence the asset bubble. Reverting to an economy of scarcity is our only hope.

Bonhoeffer describes a type that follows a febrile Daemmerzustand of a few hours or a day at most. The affect suddenly goes, disorientation sets in. Although outbreaks of anxiety may be intercurrent, the dominant picture is of stupor. Reactions are slowed, often there is catalepsy. Sometimes there is a retention defect and confabulation to account for the recent past.