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Even after an hour's exploration by the full company, Ashe's expert search with his knowledge of artifacts and ancient remains, they were still baffled. It would require labor and tools they did not have, to clear the whole of the saucer. They could be sure only of its size and shape, and the fact that its walls were of an unknown substance which the sea could cloak but not erode.

The bed of a mature glacier thus tends to take the form of a long, relatively narrow basin, across whose lower end may be stretched the dam of the terminal moraine. On the disappearance of the ice the basin is rilled with a long, narrow lake, such as Lake Chelan in Washington and many of the lakes in the Highlands of Scotland. Piedmont glaciers apparently erode but little.

In this case, however, they are a mark of extreme youth; for, as the trunk stream approaches grade and its velocity and power to erode its bed decrease, the side streams soon cut back their falls and wear their beds at their mouths to a common level with that of the main river. The Grand Canyon of the Colorado must be reckoned a young valley.

As the gradient, or rate of descent of its bed, is lowered, the velocity of the river is decreased until its lessening energy is wholly consumed in carrying its load and it can no longer erode its bed. The river is now AT GRADE, and its capacity is just equal to its load. If now its load is increased the stream deposits, and thus builds up, or AGGRADES, its bed.

When Erode saw this, he said: "I think it is hard to tug at a rope with a strong man." And Erik said: "Hard, at any rate, when a tumour is in the body or a hunch sits on the back." And straightway, thrusting his foot forth, he broke the infirm neck and back of the old man, and crushed him.

So I have seen him look when about to part from a friend as if he were trying to fix the features and expression in his mind forever. "The older one grows, the more the later years erode away, as do the secondary rocks, and one gets down to bed-rock, youth, and there he wants to rest. These scenes make youth and all the early life real to me, the rest is more like a dream.

The ancient glacier that formed it was far too deep and broad and too little concentrated to erode one of those narrow canyons, usually so impressive in sculpture and architecture, but it is all the more interesting on this account when the grandeur of the ice work accomplished is recognized.

Streams erode their beds chiefly by means of their bottom load, the stones of various sizes and the sand and even the fine mud which they sweep along. With these tools they smooth, grind, and rasp the rock of their beds, using them in much the fashion of sandpaper or a file. WEATHERING OF RIVER BEDS. The erosion of stream beds is greatly helped by the work of the weather.

Beyond prudence, however, it is clear that without a major threat to generate consensus and to rally the country around defense and defense spending, the military posture of the United States will erode as the defense budget is cut.

Finally, it is widely recognized that the United States possesses far more infrastructure such as bases and facilities than it needs to support the current force, thereby draining scarce resources away from fighting power. As a result, there is a substantial defense imbalance that will erode fighting power.