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Il attrapa un jour une grenouille et l'emporta chez lui, disant qu'il pretendait faire son education; vous me croirez si vous voulez, mais pendant trois mois il n'a rien fait que lui apprendre a sauter dans une cour retiree de sa maison. Et je vous reponds qu'il avait reussi.

L'individu empoche l'argent, s'en va, et en s'en allant est-ce qu'il ne donna pas un coup de pouce par-dessus l'epaule, comma ca, au pauvre Daniel, en disant de son air delibere: Eh bien! je ne vois pas qua cette grenouille ait rien de muiex qu'une autre.

Un homme avoit parie 25 louis qu'il traverseroit le grand bassin des Thuileries par un froid tres rigoureux; il alla jusqu'au milieu, renonca a son entreprise, et revint par le meme chemin en disant, "J'aime mieux perdre vingt-cinq louis que d'avoir une fluxion de poitrine."

In truth, Napoleon had exasperated the Spaniards no less than their soi disant king, by a series of provocations extending over the year 1810. On May 29th he withdrew Burgos and Valladolid from Joseph's control, and divided the greater part of Spain for military and administrative purposes into districts that were French satrapies in all but name.

"Les monsignors, soy disant Grands, Seuls dans leurs palais magnifiques Y sont d'illustres faineants, Sans argent, et sans domestiques. "Pour les petits, sans liberte, Martyrs du joug qui les domine, Ils ont fait voeu de pauvrete, Priant Dieu par oisivete Et toujours jeunant par famine.

To surrender your capital mess, with all its well-appointed equipments your jovial brother officers hourly flirtations with the whole female population never a deficient one in a garrison town not to speak of your matches at trotting, coursing, and pigeon-shooting, and a hundred other delectable modes of getting over the ground through life, till it please your ungrateful country and the Horse Guards to make you a major-general to surrender all these, I say, for the noise, dust, and damp disagreeables of a country inn, with bacon to eat, whiskey to drink, and the priest, or the constabulary chief, to get drunk with I speak of Ireland here and your only affair, par amours, being the occasional ogling of the apothecary's daughter opposite, as often as she visits the shop, in the soi disant occupation of measuring out garden seeds and senna.

What shall we say for the blunder of a French academician, in a time of profound peace, who gave it as his opinion, that nothing should be read in the public sittings of the academy "par dela ce qui est impose par les statuts: il motivait son avis en disant En fait d'inutilites il ne faut que le necessaire."

It will certainly lead to war, for our highness has forgotten that Prussia and Russia have already agreed, for the soi disant pacification of Poland, to appropriate the greater part of her provinces to themselves." "I beg you to believe, my verdant friend, that I never forget any thing," said Kaunitz, somewhat haughtily.

"Eh bien!" et ce disant il braquait un pistolet sur Lord Berkeley "je suis un de ces voleurs, et je suis seul; je vous demande la bourse ou la vie." "Chien couard," crie Lord Berkeley, "crois-tu donc me tromper? Est-ce que je ne vois pas tes complices cachés derrière toi?"

The fact is, that the soi disant "teachers" of mankind, in all ages and countries the African fetish, the American Indian sachem, the Hindu jogi, the Musalman mulla, and the Romish priest and miracle-monger have all agreed on one point, viz., to impose on their silly victims a multitude of unmeaning ceremonies, and absurd mummeries, in order to conceal their own contemptible vacuity of intellect.