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In the year 1779, arrangements were made with William Davidson to provide a number of masts at the River St. John. Mon. Diereville states that in 1700 the man of war Avenant, of 44 guns, shipped at St. John some very fine masts for the French navy, which had been manufactured by 14 carpenters and mast makers. These were safely delivered in France after a prosperous voyage of 33 days.

The sieur des Goutins, who disliked Villebon, complains in a letter of 23rd June, 1699, "the Governor keeps the water within the fort for the exclusive use of his kitchen and his mare, others being obliged to use snow-water, often very dirty." Diereville, who visited St.

A new industry was now coming into existence, namely the shipping of masts to France for the King's navy; Diereville sailed to France in the Avenant "a good King's ship," mounting 44 guns which had brought out the ammunition and provisions that Placentia and the Fort on the River St. John received annually.

His brother Villebon, who suceeded to the command, concluded to abandon Port Royal and to re-establish the post at the mouth of the Jemseg on the River St. John. Villebon, with all his faults, is one of the most picturesque characters in the history of Acadia. He was greatly admired by the savages who deemed him to be every inch a chief. Diereville, the poet historian, saw him at St.