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And it was not till next morning, when he found the monster still as before, that he ventured down to the pool and looked into it, and saw what had happened. The waves had hurled a huge boulder into it and there you may see it to this day and it had fallen on the devil-fish and ground him flat, and purged the rock of a horror.

We waited for call it the Devilfish's Cave and waited; and the first thing we knew when we came to inquire further about it, we were safely past it, with never a sign of any devil-fish, unless it would be the one torpedo which went by the bow of one of us from some distance one noontime.

Now, at all this, I was greatly puzzled, and looked from one to another to learn what it might mean; but in the same moment the woman bowed again, and said something in a low voice touching the weather, and after that she raised her glance to my face, so that I saw her eyes, and they were so strange and full of melancholy, that I knew on the instant why she spoke and acted in so unmeaning a way; for the poor creature was out of her mind, and when I learnt afterwards that she was the captain's wife, and had seen him die in the arms of a mighty devil-fish, I grew to understand how she had come to such a pass.

Some tale of the southern seas, and the wild tropic islands, of coral reefs and pearl-fisheries, sharks and devil-fish; or else a whaling story, fresh and breezy as the north, full of icebergs, and seal-hunts over the cracking floes, polar bears, and all the wild delights of whale-fishing.

After a meal of bacon, coffee, bread and preserved fruit, cooked on the gasolene stove of the Golden Eagle, the boys professed themselves ready for bed. "Better sleep aboard the galleon," said Ben. "Why?" asked Frank. "Why, we don't want any of those devil-fish coming snooping around in the night, do we?" asked the old sailor, "and they might, if we slept so near the water."

These loathsome monsters call them squids, or devil-fish, or what you will would sometimes come and throw their horrible tentacles over the side of the frail craft from which the divers were working, and actually fasten on to the men themselves, dragging them out into the water.

Then he got up quickly and cried, as softly as herself, but with joy and laughter in his voice "Why, Nance! My dear, I was not sure whether you were a ghost or a devil-fish;" and he sprang down towards her. And then, to his amazement, he saw that she was clad only in the clinging white garment in which he had seen her swim. Her next words confounded him. "Is Bernel here?" "Bernel, Nance?

He knew that these frightful monsters are vulnerable in only one point the head. Standing half naked in the water, his body lashed by the foul antennae of the devil-fish, Gilliatt looked at the devil-fish and the devilfish looked at Gilliatt. With the devil-fish, as with a furious bull, there is a certain moment in the conflict which must be seized.

The black is a rich sepia, obtained from the devil-fish; the blue and yellow colors coming from two barks grown in the Alexandrian archipelago. The white is the native color and the fringe of both cape and blanket is undyed. To strengthen and give solidity to the garment, the fibrous bark of the yellow root is twisted into the warp. Primitive Processes.

We then embarked on our adventurous voyage. There were two spare paddles, of which Tim and I made use, as we were ashamed of sitting idle, and we found that we could greatly add to the speed of the canoe. Several times I felt something bump against the bottom of our craft, and, on asking our pilot what it was, he replied "Only maybe a shark or a devil-fish; they are pretty plentiful hereabout."