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The sweet eyes, full of God's avenging wrath, would smite him as accursed from God's presence forever. And then he depictered it all how she would be taken to His own heart by Him "who said that He would carry the lambs in His bosom."

A man and a woman wuz a-standin' in the hard, dusty road. His face looked as though all the despair, and care, and perplexities of the hard times wuz depictered in it. He wuz stalkin' along as if he had forgot everything but his trouble. And I presoom that he'd had a dretful hard time on't dretful.

My mind wus fairly held onto that dough and needed on it; but instinctively I told him he wus in the right ont. Liberty here in the United States wuz a man, and, in order to be consistent, ort to be depictered with whiskers and overcoat and a standin' collar. "And spurs!" says Josiah. "Wall," I told him, "I wouldn't be particular about the spurs."

I said, "Instead of the spurs on his boots, he might be depictered as settin' his boot-heel onto the respectful petition of fifty thousand wimmen, who had ventured to ask him for a little mite of what he wus s'posed to have quantities of Freedom.

And then, oh how vividly he depictered it, how he and every other male Methodist in the land loved wimmen too well, worshipped 'em too deeply to put such a wearin' job onto 'em. Oh how Josiah Allen soared up in eloquence. Submit shed tears, or, that is, I thought she did I see her wipe her eyes any way.

It is Greek in style, and the dome rises one hundred and twenty-five feet and is surmounted by Martiny's wonderful winged Victory. Another female is depictered standin' on top of the globe with wreaths in her outstretched hands. Wall, I hope the figger is symbolical, and I believe in my soul she is!

For if his acts and words are like these in Jonesville, what will they be in Washington, D.C., if that place is all it has been depictered to you? Hold up, Samantha! Be firm, Josiah Allen's wife! John Rogers! The nine! One at the breast!" So at last, by these almost convulsive efforts at calmness, I grew more calmer and composeder. Josiah had hitched up and gone.

"Don't you want to set on some more eggs? don't you want to brood a spell?" and then he would kick him, and the ostrich would jump, and leap, and rare round. But the third time he come round I see a change I see deadly fear depictered in his mean, and sez he wildly "Samantha, save me! save me! I am lost!" sez he. I wuz now in tears, and I sez wildly

Then the preacher depictered that little golden head that had made sunshine in her home through the darkest days, as bein' brung low by an asassin. Then he spoke of that sweet little silvery voice a-ringin' through the home and the hearts of her father and mother, of how it wuz lifted up in vain appeal to her slayer that dretful night.

But at the last minute a dispute had rosen: some of the leadin' minds of Jonesville, uncle Nate Gowdey amongst 'em, insisted on it that Liberty wuzn't a woman, he wuz a man. And they wanted him depictered as a man, with whiskers and pantaloons and a standin' collar, and boots and spurs Josiah Allen wus the one that wanted the spurs. He said the dispute waxed furious; and he says to 'em,