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I seemed to be the only person present who was not in tears; but I really didn't see anything to cry about, so far as I was concerned, though I felt very hard-hearted. I had to go alone, for Deniston was in New York. I got to the church rather early, and my new spring bonnet which is a superior one seemed to impress the ushers, so they put me in a very distinguished front pew all by myself.

Deniston will fetch us on, and by a special piece of good luck, a man in Chicago whose name I shall always bless if only I can remember what it is has been instigated by our mutual good angel to want him on business just about that time; so that he would have to go West anyway, and would rather have me along than not, and is perfectly resigned to his fate.

Still, for all her liking, Clover could have found it in her heart to quite detest him as the final moment drew near. "Let him go home without you," she urged coaxingly. "Stay with us all summer, you and little Rose! He can come back in September to fetch you, and it would be so delightful to us." "My dear, I couldn't live without Deniston till September," said the disappointing Rose.

What sort of a gown are you going to have, by the way? I have kept my best news to the last, which is that Deniston has at last given way, and we are to move into town in October. We have taken a little house in West Cedar Street.

"It may not show itself to a casual observer, but I am really quite foolish about Deniston. I shouldn't be happy away from him at all. He's the only husband I've got, a 'poor thing, but mine own, as the 'immortal William' puts it." "Oh, dear," groaned Clover. "That is the way that Katy is going to talk about Ned, I suppose.

Write the moment you get this by what train you expect to reach Boston, and when you roll into the station you will behold two forms, one tall and stalwart, the other short and fatsome, waiting for you. They will be those of Deniston and myself. Deniston is not beautiful, but he is good, and he is prepared to adore you. The baby is both good and beautiful, and you will adore her.

I stood on my head waving my heels wildly to the breeze till Deniston thought I must be taken suddenly mad; but when I explained he did the same. It is too enchanting, the whole of it. I put it at the head of all the nice things that ever happened, except my baby.

"Let us make haste and get out of this hole," went on Rose. "I can scarcely see for the smoke. Deniston, dear, please find the cab, and have Katy's luggage put on it. I am wild to get her home, and exhibit baby before she chews up her new sash or does something else that is dreadful, to spoil her looks.

Redding, after which Rose carried Katy off to see the house and everything in it which was in any way connected with her own personal history, the room where she used to sleep, the high-chair in which she sat as a baby and which was presently to be made over to little Rose, the sofa where Deniston offered himself, and the exact spot on the carpet on which she had stood while they were being married!

She is not permitted to speak with any other children, or even to look out of window at one, for fear she may contract some sort of contagious disease, and spoil our beautiful visit to Burnet. She sends you a kiss, and so do I; and mother and Sylvia and Deniston and grandmamma, particularly, desire their love. Your loving