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Zack's remonstrances and threats were of no avail, and whenever he made a dash towards them, they dispersed in all directions 'quick as wink. 'Ef I ketch you, Ged, you'll know the defference of grabbin' a pound out of this 'ere tin, I guess, you young varmint!

They have Sildom more than• one wife, yet plurality of wives are not denyed them by their Customs. those families when associated form bands of nations each acknowledgeing the authority of its own Chieftains, who does not appear to be herititary, or has power to extend further than a mear repremand for any improper deportment of the indevidual; the Creation of a Chief depends upon the upright Conduct of the individual his abiltity and disposition to render Service to the Comunity, and his authority and the defference paid him is in extent equilibrio with the popolarity or volintary esteem he has acquired among the individuals of his band, or nation.

I think it may be established as a general maxim that those nations treat their old people and women with most defference and respect where they Subsist principally on Such articles that these can participate with the men in obtaining them; and that, that part of the Community are treated with least attention, when the act of precureing subsistance devolves intirely on the men in the vigor of life.

Mr Mac Laurel. Ye ken, sir, a mon mun leeve. Mr Escot. While he can live honourably, naturally, justly, certainly: no longer. Mr Mac Laurel. Every mon, sir, leeves according to his ain notions of honour an' justice: there is a wee defference amang the learned wi' respact to the defineetion o' the terms. Mr Escot.

For your sake I have borne much; for the sake of peace, and to avoid strife and crime, I have been silent perhaps too long. The strange, improper letters of my mother, which I enclose, almost make me tremble to think that I have paid but too much defference to her opinion. But, in the expulsion of this miserable man from your dwelling, there needs no violence, there needs no crime!