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"Whom, Phil; I don't understand the boy or the elf?" she said, half-diverted, even while shocked at the old story coming up in such a form. "The elf, I think," he said, bending his brows; "he comes back, and then they steal him again. Yes; and at last they stole him quite quite away but it is seven years, and Goody Dearlove says he is to be seen again!"

"Oh, yes they do;" and he came and stood by her with his great limpid blue eyes wide open. "Goody Dearlove says they stole a little boy, and his name was Penny Grim." "Goody Dearlove is a silly old body to tell my boy such stories," said Anne, disguising how much she was startled. "Oh, but Ralph Huntsman says 'tis true, and he knew him." "How could he know him when he was stolen?"

We wished we could have consulted Dame Dearlove, but she had died a few years before, and her school was extinct. 'And that to-night thou must watch with me To win the treasure of the tomb. Some seasons seem to be peculiarly marked, as if Death did indeed walk forth in them. Old Mr.

Dame Dearlove, the old woman who presided, was a picture of Shenstone's schoolmistress, black bonnet, horn spectacles, fearful birch rod, three-cornered buff 'kerchief, checked apron and all, but on meddling with her, she proved a very dragon, the antipodes of her name.

I don't believe fairies steal anybody, but even old women like Goody Dearlove only say they steal little tiny babies if they are left alone before they are christened." The boy drew a long breath, but still asked, "Was Penny Grim a little baby?"

And presently after, 'Justice Eastwood declared there is no case for a Grand Jury; but he is a known Friend and sworn Comrade of the Winslows, and bound to suppress all evidence against them. Nay, James Dearlove swears he saw Edward Winslow slip a golden Guinea into his Clerk's Hand.

She was about to strike the dog indeed I fancy she did, for there was a howl, and Griff sprang to his defence with 'Don't hurt my dog, I say! He hasn't touched the brute! She can take care of herself. Here, there's half-a-crown for the fright, as the cat sprang down within the wall, and Nero slunk behind him. But Dame Dearlove was not so easily appeased.

What was he like?" said Anne, struggling for the dispassionate tone of the governess, and recollecting that Jenny Dearlove was a maid at Portchester Rectory. "A little bit of a man, all twisty on one side, and a feather sticking out.

Perhaps Amos would have done so, if left to himself; but Griff, who saw the cat was safe, could not help egging on his dog's impotent rage, when in the midst, out flew pussy's mistress, Dame Dearlove herself, broomstick in hand, using language as vituperative as the cat's, and more intelligible.