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Indeed, the little hut was so constructed that it could not be distinguished from the woods even a short distance away. "Can't have a fire, I suppose?" Sinnet asked. "Not daytimes. Smoke 'd give me away if he suspicioned me," answered the mountaineer. "I don't take no chances. Never can tell."

He talked about it all the time daytimes; and in the night I could hear him murmur to himself, "Hon. Josiah Allen!" And once I see it in his account-book, "Old Peedick debtor to two sap- buckets to Hon. Josiah Allen." And he talked sights, and sights, about what he wus goin' to do when he got to Washington, D.C. what great things he wus goin' to do. And I would get wore out, and say to him,

I little thought then, Miss Emily, how the Lord would lay me low how those same feet would run about in my service, how her bit of a hand would come in the dark nights to smooth my pillow, and I'd go about daytimes leaning on her little arm. Truly God's ways are not like our ways, nor his thoughts like our thoughts."

Their Houses are mean, small Hovels, not much bigger than an Oven, made of Peices of Sticks, Bark, Grass, etc., and even these are seldom used but in the Wet seasons, for in the daytimes we know they as often sleep in the Open Air as anywhere else.

Tom was obliged to be away daytimes, the buying for twenty stores requiring much travel. Dr. Bannister and Lawyer Colbert were occasional visitors and Quincy received a manifest mental exhilaration from his intercourse with them. His sickness had led him to think about the future. Was he to live and die as the treasurer of a grocery company? Had he no higher ideal?

I traveled nights, and hid daytimes and slept, and the bag of bread and meat I carried from home lasted me all the way, and I had a-plenty. I said I believed my uncle Abner Moore would take care of me, and so that was why I struck out for this town of Goshen. "Goshen, child? This ain't Goshen. This is St. Petersburg. Goshen's ten mile further up the river. Who told you this was Goshen?"

I traveled nights, and hid daytimes and slept, and the bag of bread and meat I carried from home lasted me all the way, and I had a-plenty. I said I believed my uncle Abner Moore would take care of me, and so that was why I struck out for this town of Goshen. "Goshen, child? This ain't Goshen. This is St. Petersburg. Goshen's ten mile further up the river. Who told you this was Goshen?"

Say, don't tell your folks you was here to-day, will you? I'll tell you why. I I've got a brother that drinks. It's awful. He comes to see me evenings a good deal, and some daytimes. They'd be afraid he'd be home, 'n' they wouldn't let you come again. He's cross, you see 'n' they'd never let you come again 'f you " Miss De Courcy was almost overpowered by sleep.

Daytimes we paddled all over the island in the canoe, It was mighty cool and shady in the deep woods, even if the sun was blazing outside. We went winding in and out amongst the trees, and sometimes the vines hung so thick we had to back away and go some other way.

"Why not travel at night?" we asked. "No place to sleep under daytimes," explained Wes. "It's better to keep traveling and then get a chance for a little sleep in the cool of the night." We saw the reasonableness of that. "Of course we'll start early, and take a long nooning, and travel late. We won't get such a lot of sleep." "How long is it going to take us?" Wes calculated.