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This demonstration being thus satisfactorily concluded, Mr. F. proceeded to read his paper on the date of Othello, and on the various parts of that play respectively assignable to Samuel Rowley, to George Wilkins, and to Robert Daborne. It was evident that the story of Othello and Desdemona was originally quite distinct from that part of the play in which Iago was a leading figure.

Barnabe Riche inserted it in his collection of narratives in 1581, and we meet it again later in the following plays: Grim, the Collier of Croydon, ascribed to Ulpian Fulwell ; The Devil and his Dame by P. M. Houghton ; Machiavel and the Devil by Daborne and Henslowe ; The Devil is an Ass by Ben Jonson ; and Belphagor, or the Marriage of the Devil . In France the story was treated in verse by La Fontaine , and in Germany it served the Nuremberg poet Hans Sachs as the subject for a farce .

Field, Daborne, Dekker and Fletcher are the only authors known to have written in conjunction with Massinger; and Dekker and Daborne are out of the question for that company at that date. We are now enabled to fix the date of the 'Fatal Dowry, by Field and Massinger, as c. 1618." Sir John Van Olden Barnavelt. Actus Primus. Enter Barnavelt, Modes-bargen, Leidenberck, and Grotius. Bar.

Hamilton remarks, what must be plain to every one who compares the fac-simile of the Daborne Warrant with those of the manuscript emendations in the Perkins folio, that the same hand wrote both. Hamilton decides, and Dr.