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This is perhaps the most convenient place to refer to the remarkable success recently achieved by the Flemish composer Jan Blockx, whose 'Herbergprinses, originally produced at Antwerp in 1896, has been given in French as 'Princesse d'Auberge' in Brussels and many French towns.

Madame Reuter looked more like a joyous, free-living old Flemish fermiere, or even a maitresse d'auberge, than a staid, grave, rigid directrice de pensionnat.

Not to be quite idle, I have in the meantime taken command of one of their sloops: for the old gentleman has a good many shares in the speculation, and his recommendations are always attended to. "Voici, Monsieur Beaujou, avec les habits," said the maitre d'auberge opening the door and ushering in the marchand des modes maritimes, with a huge bundle.

Medecins, Villageois, Filles d'Auberge, Garcons d'Ecurie, &c. &c. La scene se passe sur le pont d'Andert, entre Macon et Belley. Il est minuit. La pluie tombe: les tonnerres grondent. Le ciel est convert de nuages, et sillonne d'eclairs.

The modern pieces the most in vogue and most attractive are Le Prisonnier, l'Opera Comique, a piece so called, Le Calife de Bagdad, Maison a vendre, D'Auberge en Auberge, and a few others of the same description. All these are really pleasing comedies. The Theatre Feydeau itself was also in possession of a great number of stock-pieces, among which were some in the style of the Grand French Opera.