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Egyptian painting excelled in the sense of monumental decoration, and if we ever revert to the fashion of colouring the façades of our houses and our public edifices, we shall lose nothing by studying Egyptian methods or reproducing Egyptian processes. See Mélanges d'Archéologie Egyptienne et Assyrienne, vol. i. The traces of tools upon the masonry show the use of bronze and jewel-points.

They consist of passages communicating with square or circular chambers that served as stores. They have been described at length by M. Bouthers in Memoires de la Societe d'Archeologie du departement de la Somme, Amiens, 1834, t. i. To what date, or period rather, do they belong? Some doubtless are of extreme antiquity, but the majority are comparatively modern.

The Egyptian Law of Antiquities. La Nouvelle Loi sur les Antiquites de l'Egypte et ses annexes. Service des Antiquites. Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientala. 1913. All antiquities belong to the State. The State has the right of expropriating ground containing antiquities.

The last honor of this kind, which reached him in his eightieth year, was a notice of his election to membership in the Société Française de Numismatique et d'Archéologie. His great collections in this department of knowledge were not confined to coins, but extended also to the literature of the subject.

REFERENCES: British Museum, Bronze Age Guide; Coffey: Bronze Age in Ireland; Allen: Celtic Art; Abercrombie: Bronze Age Pottery; Wilde: Catalogue of the Royal Irish Academy's Collection; Allen: Christian Symbolism; Stokes: Christian Art in Ireland; Petrie: Ecclesiastical Architecture in Ireland; Coffey: Guide to the Celtic Antiquities of the Christian Period perserved in the National Museum, Dublin; Kane: Industrial Resources of Ireland; O'Curry: Manners and Customs of the Ancient Irish; Coffey: New Grange and other incised Tumuli in Ireland; Dechelette: Manuel d'Archéologie pré-historique; Ridgeway: Origin of Currency and Weight Standards.

We shall see that the earliest section of its record has an important bearing on our knowledge of Egyptian predynastic history and on the traditions of that remote period which have come down to us from the history of Manetho. See Gautier, Le Musée Égyptien, III , pp. 29 ff., pl. xxiv ff., and Foucart, Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, XII, ii , pp. 161 ff.; and cf.