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One must go as far as Paris to the theatre; one must hear a great play and even there, when does an actor make you weep as he did? Henri, he was superb. I tell you, superb! d'une eloquence!" And to her husband, when we reached the inn door, our vivacious landlady was still narrating the chief points of the speech as we crawled wearily up to our beds.

Here one would expect our author is to allow that volcanos may erect rocks in heightening them in their place; but this is not the light in which it has been seen by him, as will appear from what follows. «L'enfoncement d'une de leurs cotés n'est rien, quand on considère le prodigieuse excavation qui ont se faire, pour porter au dehors toutes les montagnes, les collines, et les plaines volcaniques qui se trouvent dans ce vaste circuit

To begin, there, do you see that woman standing up, who has the air as if she think of nothing at all, and nobody thinking of her, with only her husband near her, cet grand homme bleme? There is Madame de la Rousse d'une reputation intacte! frightfully dressed, as she is always. But, hold, you see that pretty little Comtesse de la Brie, all in white? Charmante!

"Gesticulating I'll warrant!" declared their hostess. "They mimic as for the deaf, they emphasise as for the blind. Mrs. Delamere is doubtless an epitome of all the virtues, but I never heard of her. You travel too much," Madame Carré went on; "that's very amusing, but the way to study is to stay at home, to shut yourself up and hammer at your scales." Mrs. Rooth complained that they had no home to stay at; in reply to which the old actress exclaimed: "Oh you English, you're d'une légèreté

I saw also a fine arch called the Capuan gate, formerly one of the city towers, and a very pretty one. We advanced to see the ruins of a palace said to be a habitation of Queen Joan, and where she put her lovers to death chiefly by potions, thence into a well, smothering them, etc., and other little tenderly trifling matters of gallantry. Augustus Craven, and author of Récit d'une Sœur.

In the evening, in spite of my fatigue after travelling all night, I went to the Theatre Francais for the first time, and there, lost in admiration of the masterly ensemble and the natural yet passionate acting, with which I had hitherto seen nothing to compare, I saw Girardin's Le supplice d'une femme, and Beaumarchais' Le mariage de Figaro, in one evening making the acquaintance of such stars as Regnier, Madame Favart, Coquelin and the Sisters Brohan.

Sous un habit de mezzetin Ce gros brun au riant visage Sur la guitarre avec sa main Fait un aimable badinage. Par les doux accords de sa voix Enfants d'une bouche vermeille Du beau sexe tant

Ils sont gens diligens, se lèvent matin volontiers, et vivent de peu en compagne; se contentant de pain mal cuit, de chair crue séchée au soleil, de lait soit caillé soît non caillé, de miel, fromage, raisins, fruits, herbages, et même d'une poignée de farine avec laquelle ils feront un brouet qui leur suffira pour un jour

He had said in the French Parliament that treaties of peace were nothing more than a way of going on with war, and in September, 1920, in his preface to M. Tardieu's book, he said that France must get reparation for Waterloo and Sedan. Even Waterloo: Waterloo et Sedan, pour ne pas remonter plus haut, nous imposaient d'abord les douloureux soucis d'une politique de réparation.

After this he invited me into his dressing-room, and we both entered the bath together and mutually laved each other. Then dressing we joined aunt at breakfast. She had not the least air d'une malade, but with a sly smile hoped the doctor had proved as efficient as herself.