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And in fall the stalks of our Rudbeckia are as thickly covered with a red aphis, which makes it impossible for us to use it for cut-flower work. Is there a remedy for these troubles?" Yes. Nicoticide will rid the plants of their enemies if applied thoroughly, and persistently.

One may present the triumph of scholastic nature-teaching, by the figure of a little child hurrying to school along the ways of a busy modern town. She carries a faded cut-flower, got at considerable cost from a botanical garden, and as she goes she counts its petals, its stamens, its bracteoles. Her love of Nature, her "powers of observation," are being trained.

I keep the ground about my plants free from suckers by the use of the lawn-mower. They can be cut as easily as grass when young and small. If there is a more beautiful shrub than the white Lilac I do not know what it is. For cut-flower work it is as desirable as the Lily of the Valley, which is the only flower I can compare it with in delicate beauty, purity, and sweetness.

The dinner was cooked and served in European style; the table decorated with gold and silver épergnes full of flowers, on velvet stands, and with heaps of small cut-flower glasses full of jasmine. We were waited on by the Malay servants of the establishment, dressed in grey and yellow, and by the Governor's Madras servants, in white and scarlet.

At last they extricated themselves from the crowd, and as they continued on their way along the main artery they presently found themselves amidst an exquisite perfume which seemed to be following them. They were in the cut-flower market.

Yellow, brown, crimson, and maroon. Most effective when massed. A plant of great daintiness, both in foliage and flowers. Always in demand for cut-flower work. White and pink. A very desirable plant, of symmetrical, compact habit. Rich green throughout the summer, but turning to dark red in fall. Fine for low hedges and for scattering through the border wherever there happens to be a vacancy.