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The first thing that attracted my attention was the coffee pot upside down, next away went the bacon out of the pan into the fire. By this time he was getting warm inside as well as outside, and I could hear some small "cuss words"; next he looked into the Dutch oven, and saw that his dough had turned to charcoal.

"If the old chap had been done for I'd have felt like making for the river, myself. Funny, now the scare is over and he is all safe, I shall probably cuss him out as hard as ever next time he tries to preach at me." "You had better listen to him instead. Larry is apt to be right and you are apt to be wrong, and you know it."

But she are gone; that leetle gun are gone; an' the mar too; an' hyur I am 'ithout eyther beast or weepun; cuss the luck!" And the last words were uttered with an angry hiss, that echoed through every part of the cave. "Yur the young fellur, the capt'n's friend, ain't 'ee?" inquired the speaker, with a sudden change of tone. "Yes," I replied.

Eight men couldn't cuss 'em to satisfy me. But split 'em up! Have 'em mashed into kin'lin-wood before I get well, or the sight of 'em'll set me crazy." Then he was carried home, and after being in bed about a fortnight he came out with a pallid cheek, a sorrowful heart and ideas for six or seven new machines. Mr.

He would say he would come up to our house for dinner some time, and everything wicked. One day we stopped at his store to enjoy his society, and eat crackers and cheese for be it known we never took offence at him, in fact we sort of liked the old cuss when he told us to take a seat and talk it over.

When she had got to the end of her song and had waltzed off to the left, we got up and walked down in front, and took one of a whole row of vacant seats, put on our spectacles, and were ready. Do you know, every cuss in that audience saw us go down there? They all thought we had gone there to be nearer the dizzy tights, and they began to clap their hands and cheer.

Why rush around to the hinterland when there was a big territory next door? And undoubtedly a better one? "Revive your old tired lawn," I improvised. "No manures, fuss, cuss, or muss. One shot of the Meta one shot of Francis' Amazing Discovery and your lawn springs to new life." "Lawns? Nonsense!" she snorted, rudely, I thought. "Do you think Ive spent years in order to satisfy suburban vanity?

"Well, Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jup'ter is jest nach'elly boon' to cuss, he's got a repertation to keep up," said Billy. He sat down in a chair in front of his aunt, crossed his legs and smiled confidentially up into her face. "Hell an' damn is jest easy ev'y day words to that nigger.

Forder; "an' the worst on't was simple old Pappy Flanders went an' told the Knowles gals themselves that folks thought the ole Cap'n come back an' got it, and Hannah done wrong to cuss Enoch Holt an' his ginerations after him the way she done." "I think it took holt on her ter'ble after all she'd gone through," said Mrs. Downs, compassionately.

Between three and four hundred head. The water is running still up in the range. We should have done better if that skunk Wombo hadn't bolted. Lady Bridget leaned forward with interest. 'Oh! Then he HAS gone after the black-gin. Brave Wombo! 'I wouldn't care a cuss whether he went after the black-gin or not; she's a half-caste, by the way, and all the worse for that.