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You see that color out there, deep green like shadowed grass " The old man nodded. "I've seen that a good many times," he said. "Cur'us, ain't it? just the color of lobsters when you haul 'em." The young man started. He glanced again at the harbor. "Hum-m!" he said under his breath. He searched in his color-box and mixed a fresh color rapidly on the palette, transferring it swiftly to the canvas.

A persuasion that it was somewhat unduly long-lived impressed others of the party. "It's plumb cur'us Hil'ry ain't never furgot her," observed one of them. "He hev never married at all. My wife says it's jes contrariousness. Ef Mal-viny hed been his wife an' died, he'd hev married agin 'fore the year war out.

If they please the eye, they ain't like to hit the ear-drums so bad. Wimmin is cur'us that aways." "Mebbe," agreed Rust, bowing to the butcher's superior knowledge. "But I guess it must 'a' cost a heap o' dollars. Say, Will must 'a' got it rich. I'd like to savvee wher'," he added, with a sigh, as they thoughtfully returned to the bar. But nobody paid any attention to the blacksmith's regrets.

"Well, mebbe we will be, an' jest you remember, young William, since them Greeks allers come to water, else Xenophon who led them never would hev lived fur the tellin' o' it, that we'll allers come to water, too, even of we do hev to wait a week or two fur it. Cur'us how long you kin live after your tongue hez baked, your throat hez turned to an oven, an' your lips hev curled up with the heat."

"Crazy ez a loon when he come aboard; but I'll say he's sobered up consid'ble sence. I cured him." "He yarns good," said Tom Platt. "T'other night he told us abaout a kid of his own size steerin' a cunnin' little rig an' four ponies up an' down Toledo, Ohio, I think 'twas, an' givin' suppers to a crowd o' sim'lar kids. Cur'us kind o' fairy-tale, but blame interestin'. He knows scores of 'em."

The gal comes and goes in that boat, 'n' she couldn't see a soul without my knowin' it. She seed ye ridin' by one day, 'n' she looked mighty cur'us when I tole her who ye was." Old Gabe stopped his teasing, Rome's face was so troubled, and himself grew serious. "Rome," he said, earnestly, "I wish to the good Lord ye wasn't in sech doin's.

"That's one of the fishing steamers, and the boats are drawing her nets," explained the Captain. "Didn't you ever see a seine drawn before? Wa'al, I declare! I'm mighty glad we happened just in time, for it's a cur'us spectacle. I guess we'll kind of hang about till they get the nets in, and then I'll take the 'Cornelia' up near enough for you to see."

She's so cur'us, Dusk is. Thar aint no gettin' at her. Ye know the gals ses as she's allers doin' fust one quare thing 'n' then another to get the boys mad at each other. But Lor', p'r'aps 'taint so! Dusk's powerful good-lookin', and gals is jealous, ye know." "Do you think," questioned Miss Noble, "that they really would have killed each other?" "Lord! yaas," placidly. "They went to do it.

"You allus was a great one fer a yarn, Nick," began the half-breed, with a laugh. "Guess you most allus gets me gassin'; but say, this ain't no yarn, in a way. It's the most cur'us bit o' truth, as maybe you'll presently allow. But I ain't goin' to tell it you if ye ain't believin', 'cause it's the truth." The trader's face had become quite serious and he spoke with unusual earnestness.

"I'll take a sandwich, if you insist on it." "That's vittles. What'll you drink?" "Nothing but water. That's strong enough for me." "Danged if I don't believe you're a minister in disguise." "I guess I'd make a cur'us preacher," said Joshua, with a comical twist of his features. "You wouldn't want to hear me preach more'n once." In this way our friend Mr.