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Caroline sat in a moody state of mind for some minutes, and then left the room to give some directions about tea. On her return, Ellis said, in as cheerful a voice as if no unpleasant incident had transpired, "Oh! I had forgotten to say, Cara, that Mr. Hemming and his wife have returned from Boston. They will be around to see us some evening this week." "Hum-m well."

"I have been so lonely since mother died, that my health, never of the strongest, as you know, has suffered seriously. If inconvenient, don't hesitate to say so, of course. I hope to hear from you soon. "In haste, your aff. cousin, "Gertrude Fellows. "P.S. I shall of course insist upon being a boarder if I come. "Hum-m. Insipid sort of letter." "Exactly. That's Gertrude.

The only sage I recollect is the sage tea Mother used to make me take when I had a cold sometimes. I COULDN'T forget that." "Well, everybody but you has heard of old Sylvester. He's the biggest crank on earth." "Hum-m. Seems 's if he and I ought to know each other. . . . But maybe he's a different kind of crank; eh?" "He's all kinds.

Well, then, it be long after nine now, Denas!" "I had a lot to do after Mrs. Burrell left, mother things she would not trust anyone else to look to." "Hum-m! 'Tis no good way, to take such charge. Who knows what she may be saying after-times? I do feel glad she be married at last, and done with. Mayhap we may see a bit of comfort ourselves now."

It was there on the bench this morning with his bundle. I put it up by his bed." "Hum-m," said Isom reflectively, as if considering it deeply. Then: "Well, I guess it's all right." Isom sat a good while, fingering his stiff beard.

I think I'll make certain," and he opened Parker's envelope and read what was contained therein. "Hum-m! Three hundred and twenty-five thousand?" Parker extended his hand. "I would be obliged to you for the return of that letter," he began, but paused, confused, at Farrel's cheerful, mocking grin. "All's fair in love and war," he quoted, gaily.

"His end shall be `pieces, as Punch says, if he deserves it." "He told me I was to be Mr Robertson's pupil," said Walter. "Hum-m!" observed Kenrick. "Why, what sort of a person is he?" "Some of his pups detest him, others adore him." "Why?" "Who's your tutor, then?" "Percival; there, the master who is chatting and laughing with those monitors. He's a regular brick.

They worked like beavers and the rap, rap, rap of hammers, the buzz-z-z of band and jigsaws and the hum-m of motors could be heard in their workshop on the first floor of the headquarters building at almost any hour. Of course, the boys were not entirely sure that they would win first or even third prize, because there were any number of others competing for the same honors.

I'd like to have you in my squadron, well enough, but what about the red tape?" "Wait until it catches up with us. Don't go looking for red tape to fetter us," Larkin replied. "Hum-m!" Cowan mused. He knew, none better, that here before him stood two excellent pilots with a wealth of combat experience.

The four hundred one was gone." "Sho, sho! Tut, tut, tut! Where did you put the coat when you took it off?" "On the hook in the clothes closet where I always put it." "Hum-m! And er when you told Nellie about it did you speak loud?" "Loud? No louder'n I ever do." "Well er that ain't a er whisper, Sam, exactly." "Don't make any difference.