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Davies, the bookseller, and mentioned a present of some pork; upon which the Doctor said, in a manner that seemed as if he thought it ill-timed, "too much of this," or some such expression. Croker's Boswell, p. 844.

Half of them were already there, in time to be consulted both by Louis Blanc and Tocqueville. Croker's collection of manuscript papers on the same period was sold for £50 at his death, and went to what was once the famous library of Middle Hill. Louis Blanc was thus able to continue in England the work he had begun at home, and he completed it in twelve volumes.

Indeed, the whole expedition was highly perilous, considering the season of the year, the precarious chance of getting sea-worthy boats, and the ignorance of the Hebrideans, who, notwithstanding the opportunities, I may say the necessities, of their situation, are very careless and unskilful sailors. Croker's Boswell, p. 362. For as the tempest drives, I shape my way.

Croker's account of his first appearance to Jack: afterwards "Old Coo" becomes more like a tipsy old fisherman than the man-fish that he was.

His son, who is of the same name, and a man eminent for talents and learning, is now, with universal approbation, Solicitor-General of Scotland. BOSWELL. Dr. In 1775 Mrs. Montagu gave Mrs. Williams a small annuity. Croker's Boswell, pp. 458, 739.

In 1783 he again had 'a little dinner, and invited four friends to keep the day. Croker's Boswell, p. 739. At Streatham the day, it would seem, was always kept. Mrs. Johnson, the 17th and 18th of September, we every year made up a little dance and supper to divert our servants and their friends. The son of a Mr.

I never mentioned the Cambridge Journey, or the Georgics, to any but my own family; and I was therefore, as you may conceive, not a little flattered to hear in one day Moore praising one of them, and Campbell praising the other. I find that my article on Byron is very popular; one among a thousand proofs of the bad taste of the public. I am to review Croker's edition of Bozzy.

Edward Irving, which will repay the reader's curiosity. The Honeycomb and Bitter Gourd is a pleasing little story; and Paddy Kelleger and his Pig, is a fine bit of humour, in Mr. Croker's best style. The brief Memoir of the late Sir George Beaumont is a just tribute to the memory of that liberal patron of the Fine Arts, and is an opportune introduction into such a work as the present.

Jan. 1761. Once. Ib. p. 122. April 1770. Cupped. Pemb. Coll. Winter of 1772-3. Three times. Ante, ii. 206, and Pemb. Coll. May 1773. Two copious bleedings. Pr. and Med. 130. Times not mentioned. 36 ounces. Piozzi Letters, i. 209. Jan. 1777. Three bleedings. 22 ounces in first two. Ib. i. 343. Jan. 1780. Once. Post, Jan. 20, 1780. June 1780. Times not mentioned. Croker's Boswell, p. 649.

May I not call you my Mary? And indeed between man and man, as I would say, only that you are not a man, have I not a right to assume that it is so? I told him that it was so down at Croker's Hall, and he did not contradict me. And now he has been the most indiscreet of men, and has allowed all your secrets to escape from his breast.