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The two gentlemen upon the housetop were leisuring away the time in the indulgence of a cigar, watching the water-fowl that swam and plunged on the bosom of the broad shallow stream, listening to the hoarse croakings of pelicans and the shriller screams of the guaya cranes. It was the hour of evening, when these birds become especially stridulent.

At the sound of their chanting, another band of slaves appeared, and took possession of the unhappy Vivien. They looked to him exactly like the ones he had left, except that they moved more slowly still, and each one held a raven upon his wrist, and their harsh croakings re-echoed through the dismal place.

"Others followed in the same strain of indignant protest against man's cruelty. Even the flies and mosquitoes had something to complain of. "Well, after the buzzing, and the croakings, and the hummings and angry talkings were over, they settled down to business. "Some were appointed to poison the waters so that malarias and fevers should attack the now hated race.

He will come, and he will conquer, and Jerusalem shall be great and free and see her desire upon her enemies. I ask where is your authority for these croakings?" Miriam drew a roll from her robe and read: "But when ye see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that her desolation is at hand.

On the whole, however, in 1862 the more powerful element had rallied to and upheld the government. The court and the army were so loud in their admiration of the profound policy of the Emperor that those who heeded the croakings of the few clear-sighted men composing the opposition were in the background.

George had beggared himself to pay his son's debts had wiped that clear. He was simply announcing a fact that caused him the deepest concern. St. George's face paled, and for a moment a peculiar choking movement started in his throat. "Bankrupt! the Patapsco! How do you know?" He had heard some ugly rumors at the club a few days before, but had dismissed them as part of Harding's croakings.

Tintageu, and the Platte, and Guillaumesse, and the gleaming Autelets, and La Grune, and on the other side the great black Gouliot rocks, and Moie Batarde, and the long dark side of Brecqhou all seemed straining with wide anxious eyes to learn what was coming. There was a dull growl of surf from below, and low harsh croakings and mewings from the gulls down in Port

Beside the calls of the whippoorwill and the other night birds, there are a hundred little noises that seem to be voices talking to one another in some soft, mysterious language. There are little rustlings, little sighings, little scurryings and patterings among the dry leaves, drowsy chirpings and plaintive croakings.

Arthur at the keyboard felt exalted. Forgotten the pains of a moment before. He hammered the keys vigorously, extorting from the battered instrument a series of curious croakings. Some of the keys did not "speak," some gave forth a brazen clangour from the rusty wires. No one cared. The singing stopped with the last verse. "Now La Ravachole for our French brethren."

Listen to the croakings of your miserable tadpoles with the prettiest girl in seven counties in seven States, for that matter sitting beside him! Oh! you needn't look, you minx! If he heard a single croak he ought to be ducked in the puddle and then packed off home soaking wet." "And that is what he is going to do himself," rejoined Ruth, dropping into a chair which Peter had drawn up for her.