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We've got to have that room for the cribbing." "That's all right. The steamer won't get in much before tomorrow night, will it?" "We aren't doing any banking on that. That timber's got to come over here tonight. May as well put it where the carpenters can get right at it. We'll be on the cupola before long, anyhow." "But it's five o'clock already. There's the whistle."

What surprised him was the fact that Ruthven had had the ingenuity and even the daring to conduct a campaign of this description. Cribbing in examinations he would have thought the limit of his crimes. Something backboneless and underhand of that kind would not have surprised him in the least. He would have said that it was just about what he had expected all along.

Soon, to the rattle of blocks and the tramping of feet and the calling and shouting of men, was added the creak of the steamer's hoists, and the groan of her donkey engines as her crew began the work of dumping out the cribbing by hand and steam, on the cleared space on the wharf. And then, when the last big stick had gone over, Peterson began sending bundles of two-inch cribbing.

"Well," confessed Charley, "there has been a row about the cribbing. The rest had cribbed, and I had not, and somehow, through that, it came out to the second master. He asked me a lot of questions, and I was obliged to tell. It made the desk savage, and they said I must do as they did." "Which you complied with! Nice young gentlemen, all of you!" "Only for five or six days, Hamish.

We'll push the cribbing on the main house and start right in on the annex bins. There ain't much time to throw around if we're going to eat our Christmas dinner." The two went at once. The hoisting engines were impatiently blowing off steam.

They have a tremendous short line on the Chicago Board, and they mean to deliver it. Twenty two hundred thousand has got to be in the bins there at Calumet before the first of January unless the Day of Judgment happens along before then. Never mind what it costs you. P.S. MacBride has got down an atlas and is trying to figure out how you got that cribbing to the lake.

I said so, remember but I swear I didn't think we'd do it so soon." "No," said Prout most firmly in Common-room. "I maintain that Gillett is wrong. True, I let them return to their study." "With your known views on cribbing, too?" purred little Hartopp. "What an immoral compromise!" "One moment," said the Reverend John.

He sealed the envelope and tossed it to one side. "Miss Vogel," he said, pushing his chair back, "didn't you ask me something just now?" "It was about getting the cribbing across the lake," she replied. "I don't see how you did it." Her interest in the work pleased Bannon. "It ain't a bad story. You see the farmers up in that country hate the railroads. It's the tariff rebate, you know.

"You spoke of a trance?" he said, interrogatively. Julian looked as guilty as a cribbing schoolboy discovered in his dingy act. "Doctor, Val and I have to crawl to you for forgiveness," he said. "To me why?" "We have disobeyed you." "But I should never give you an order." "Your advice is a command to those who know you, doctor," said Valentine, with a sudden laugh.

Asked by a cribbing comrade in examination what a corollary was, Napoleon scornfully whispered back: "A mathematical camel with two humps." In German only was he deficient, much to the irritation of his instructor. "Will you ever learn anything?" asked M. Bouer, the German teacher. "Certainly," said Napoleon; "but no more German. I know the only word I need in that language."