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I'd jest 'z lieves handle them creaturs as so many striped snakes." So saying, she put their heads down with her hand, and packed them together in her apron as if they had been bits of cart-rope. Mr. Bernard had never heard of the power, or, at least, the belief in the possession of a power by certain persons, which enables them to handle these frightful reptiles with perfect impunity.

I've seen the death of two hundred of the creaturs, though it seems to keep the rations of poor old Tom as short as ever."

I'd jest 'z lieves handle them creaturs as so many striped snakes." So saying, she put their heads down with her hand, and packed them together in her apron as if they had been bits of cart-rope. Mr. Bernard had never heard of the power, or, at least, the belief in the possession of a power by certain persons, which enables them to handle these frightful reptiles with perfect impunity.

Raddle in the kitchen "a base, faint-hearted, timorous wretch, that's afraid to come upstairs and face the ruffinly creaturs that's afraid to come that's afraid!" Ending with her screaming descent of the stairs in the midst of a loud double-knock, upon the arrival just then of the Pickwickians, when, "in an uncontrollable burst of mental agony," Mrs.

Beauty was pulling on, Beauty always did pull on, but she stopped too. I couldn't stop so easily, so I walked along like a machine, up on a line with the creaturs' ears. I did stop then, or you never would have heard this story, Johnny. Two paces, and those two hundred feet shot down like a plummet. A great cloud of snow-flakes puffed up over the edge.

And it had made the man nicer, and pleasanter spoken, and kinder to folks, and partic'lar to creaturs. It had made him sort o' bend down, 'twas so hefty, and so he'd got to takin' notice o' teenty little things nobody else scursely'd see, mites o' posies, and cunnin' little bugs, and creepin', crawlin' things. He took a heap o' comfort in 'em.

"Weren't you pleased to hear your husband make such a good speech to-day?" "Oh, sir, the men are mostly so tongue-tied you're forced partly to guess what they mean, as you do wi' the dumb creaturs." "What! you think you could have made it better for him?" said Mr. Irwine, laughing. "Well, sir, when I want to say anything, I can mostly find words to say it in, thank God.

Here, take some ale, my boy: it's been drawn for you it's been drawn for you." "Nay, Mr. Massey," said Adam, who took his old friend's whim more seriously than usual to-night, "don't be so hard on the creaturs God has made to be companions for us. A working-man 'ud be badly off without a wife to see to th' house and the victual, and make things clean and comfortable." "Nonsense!

I make no doubt there are twenty hogsheads of undamaged sugars, at this very moment, in the hold of that wreck, and on the beach of the island. I fed my poultry on it, the whole time I staid." "And so you abandoned Marble Land to the pig's and the fowls?" "I did, indeed, Miles; and I hope the poor creaturs will have a comfortable time of it.

'Tany rate, he was terr'ble scaret o' dyin'. 'Twas a long time ago this was, the times when posies and creaturs could talk so's folks could know what they was sayin'.