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Almost too surprised to understand, she accepted his offering, and he was gone before she could stammer out her thanks. Then how they bustled in the little brown house, preparing such a dinner as they had seldom eaten before, oyster dressing, creamed carrots, mashed potatoes, gravy, and the height of extravagance cake and custard, such as only Faith could make. Oh, but that was a dinner!

SUPPER Roast beef Potato salad Lemon cake Bread and jam Cocoa BREAKFAST Oatmeal and milk Fried bacon Wheatcakes and syrup Bread and jam Coffee DINNER Steaks Creamed potatoes Cabbage, fried Bread and butter Peach pudding Coffee SUPPER Beef stew Fried cakes Bread and butter Tea BREAKFAST Oatmeal and milk Fried bacon Bread and jam Coffee

Welles took the cup of steaming coffee, ready sugared and creamed, without even saying thank you, but in a minute, as they began their second round of sandwiches, filled this time with cold ham from home, he said, "You've got quite a way of looking out for folks, haven't you? "I like to," said Paul. "I always liked to," said Mr. Welles.

To one pint of boiled and minced new cabbage add one-half pint of hot milk, one tablespoon of butter, one teaspoon of flour, one-half teaspoon each of salt and pepper, one teaspoon finely minced parsley and a generous dash of sweet paprika. The butter and flour should be creamed together before stirring in. Let simmer for about ten minutes, stirring occasionally to keep from burning.

Soon the water creamed into brightness as we drove through it. They set the little main topsail luggers were never very strictly rigged in those days. "There's the Start Light, Jim," said Marah. "Bid it good-bye. You'll see it no more for a week." They were very quiet in the lugger; no one spoke, except when the steersman was relieved, or when the master wished something done among the rigging.

"What shall I have for lunch today?" thought Marise. "There are enough potatoes left to have them creamed." Like a stab came the thought, "Creamed potatoes to please our palates and thousands of babies in Vienna without milk enough to live!"

You can get them of all sorts and all sure to do the work, ranging from an exclusive diet of beefsteak and spinach to desiccated hay and creamed alfalfa. There are monodiets, duodiets, vegetable diets, fruit diets, nut diets all kinds of diets each guaranteed to take off flesh if you have too much or to put it on if you have too little. Basically, however, the antiflesh diets are about the same.

Then, observing that his shoe was dusty, he submitted it to a merry-looking shoeblack, who not only cleaned it and creamed it to perfection but polished up his wooden leg as well; Austin, in his usual absent-minded way, humming to himself the while.

Ginger Pudding: Beat three eggs very light with two cups sugar, a large cup rich black molasses, three-quarters cup butter, creamed, tablespoon ginger beaten fine. Half a cup rich sour cream, half a cup boiling water with teaspoon soda dissolved in it, add flour enough to make a thickish batter, pour into deep greased pan, and bake quickly.

Or you may make the green apples into shortcake, putting fruit only between the layers of crust, and serving with rich sauce or sweetened cream. Beat into the yolks very smoothly one pound of sugar, then half a pound of creamed butter. Mix well, then add the beaten whites, followed by the strained juice and grated yellow peel of two large or three small lemons.