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The farm kitchen, where they chiefly lived, opened into the fold, round which were built the stables and the cow-sheds, with the barn filling up one side of it, between them and the house.

"We must not disturb the Missis or we shall get no supper. I'll just go and give a look into the cow-sheds. Do you know much about cows?" "Yes, cows produce cream and butter. The best cows are those which produce at the least cost the best cream and butter.

With a glass you can see the cow-sheds about its base, and the contented sheep nimbling pebbles in the desert solitudes that surround it, and the tired pigs dozing in the holy calm of its protecting shadow.

He took my advice and ripped; you couldn't see his pony's heels for dust as he disappeared across the plain. We found him all right in camp when we got there. The men were already in camp, and pretty comfortable, in spite of the rain. Colonel Kelly had a small tent, and the rest of us turned into convenient cow-sheds. Officers and men were all provided with goggles, and very necessary they were.

But she went on bravely, rarely doing less than her twenty miles a day, and sometimes more, walking often in the night to save time, and lying down in cow-sheds or under haystacks in the noontide. For the most part people were kind to her; they saw she was so very young and so poor.

It abutted at one end on the cart-shed, and between it and the line of cow-sheds was the gate into the farmyard. Miss Henderson stepped up to the house and looked at it. "It is a poor place!" she said discontentedly; "and those men don't seem to have done much to it yet." Hastings admitted it. But they had done a little, he said, shamefacedly, and he unlocked the door.

Then he bowed, coughed twice, and, letting himself go, with uplifted voice he sang, to the enraptured audience that his imagination so clearly saw. The Toad came home! There was panic in the parlours and howling in the halls, There was crying in the cow-sheds and shrieking in the stalls, When the Toad came home! When the Toad came home!

To the right was the great hall, with the kitchens and storehouses. Across the inner side stood the women's house, with the herb-garden on one hand, and the guest-chambers on the other. To the left were the stables, the piggery, the sheep-houses, the cow-sheds, and the smithies. No sooner had they passed the gates than a second avalanche of greetings fell upon them.

Then catching a look which came into Peter's face, he instantly added, "at least, he had no idea it was that bad. He tells me that he hadn't been inside those cow-sheds for four years." "Come and see me to-morrow," said Peter. After Dummer had gone, Peter walked uptown, and saw his clergyman. "Yes," he was told, "Mr.

A half hour later the girls' trunks were brought into the house and they proceeded at once to don what they called their home dresses. Then Evelyn led them out to the poultry yard, to the cow-sheds and the dairy-house, Then they went to the big lot in which lived the sows and pigs.