United States or Liberia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I'd rather be High Lord Chancellor of a cow-camp than the eight-spot in a queen-high flush. It's your ranch; and Barber gets the beeves." Webb's horse was tied to the rack. He walked into the house and brought out his roll of blankets that he never took with him except on long rides, and his "slicker," and his longest stake-rope of plaited raw-hide.

He wondered if it might be the cow-camp, and felt a cold indraft on the hot tenderness of his heart for a moment. But, no; it could not be the cow-camp. There was no sign that grazing herds had been there lately. She was running because she was afraid to have him overtake her in the dusk, running to prolong the race until she could elude him in the dark, afraid of him, who loved her so!

He followed the action breathlessly, applauded with contagious fervor, surreptitiously rid himself of tears, and when, in the last scene, the angry, jealous woman sprang upon her tamer, he muttered, "Serve you right, you coyote!" with an oath of the cow-camp that made one of his neighbors jump and throttle a startled laugh.

The same night that the letter was received by mine host, this tale was retold at a cow-camp in the Strip by the trio. The hard winter was over. At the county convention in May, Seigerman's name was presented. On each of three ballots he received one lone vote.

Did y' climb? We met His Royal High Mightiness and His Nibs goin' to the cow-camp. Say, Miss Eleanor, I don't care what they say, I'm goin' to take sheep all by my lonesome this time, sure; goin' t' ride Pinto 'cause he's got a big tummy t' keep him from sinking when he swims. You needn't laugh, it's so!

By joining in with them in a sweeping denunciation of the cow-camp, and by pointing out that no harsh measures were intended against them, they came to look on me as friend instead of foe." "What was done about the trespass?" "It was pretty early in the days of the Service, and, as you remember, we let them down easily at first so that no undue amount of friction should be caused.

For the story would go out to every ranch and cow-camp. Worst of all he had blown out the dynamic spark within himself that is the source of life and hope. He did not deceive himself. Houck had said he was going to take June to her father. But he had said it with a cynical sneer on his lips.

But news is a strange, permeating substance, and it began to be sifted through the air that Tubercle was going to God's country. That is how they phrased it in cow-camp, meaning not the next world, but the Eastern States. "It's certainly a shame him leaving after we've got him so good and used to us," said the Virginian. "We can't tell him good-bye," said Honey Wiggin. "Separ'll be slow."

He had failed utterly to acquire the American idiom, and his attempts at cowboy slang were often amusing especially to Redfield, who prided himself on being quite undistinguishable in a cow-camp. Virginia and Ross, being the only young folk at the table, were seated together, and Enderby remarked privately: "Ross, you're in luck." "I know I am," he replied, heartily.

Dell and Joel shook hands with all the Indians, Sargent shared his tobacco with Lone Wolf, and on returning to their encampment at evening, each visitor was burdened with pickled beef and such other staples as the cow-camp afforded. Joel set out for the Republican the next morning and was gone four days.