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"It's what was in my mind. I'll see Amice Le Couteur at once." "B'en! and give the word to all you see, George," she called after him. "And bid the women and children to the Gouliots if they hear they are coming the upper chamber above the black rock. It won't be just hide-and-seek this time." "Good idea!" Uncle George called back over his shoulder. "Common sense," said Aunt Jeanne.

In a single field he succeeded in distinguishing no less than 23 varieties, all growing together. Colonel Le Couteur took the hint, and saved the seeds of a single plant of each supposed variety separately. These he cultivated and multiplied till he got large lots of each and could compare their value.

Le Couteur and Sheriff succeeded in the solution of the problem, because they had discovered the importance of isolation. The combination of a careful choice with subsequent isolation was all they knew about it, and it was one of the great achievements to which modern agriculture owes its success. The other great principle was that of Vilmorin.

George Hamon and Amice Le Couteur, the Sénéchal, from La Tour, were just coming down the lane, and every man carried such arms as he could muster. "They're coming!" I shouted, and Amice Le Couteur, panting with his haste from the north, took command in virtue of his office, since Peter Le Pelley, the Seigneur, was away in London. "How many, Phil Carré?" he asked.

Better look if he's among our lot. You would know him better than we would. They're all down yonder. I must go and see after Amice Le Couteur. We left him bleeding at Eperquerie. Get anything you want from our people, Tourtel. Krok, you come along with us;" and we set off over the hill past La Jaspellerie to get to La Vauroque.

But from one of the waiting boats behind, half a dozen shots rang out in a sudden blaze of light, and the Sénéchal fell back among us, and our men began a hot fire at the boats from behind their rocks. I ran to M. Le Couteur, as I had no weapons but a cutlass and pistols, and these were only for close work. He was bleeding in the head and chest, but said he thought the wounds were not serious.

Le Couteur worked during many years along this line, long before the time when Vilmorin conceived the idea of improvement by race selections, and he used only the simple principle of distinguishing and isolating the members of his different fields.

The leading principle, however, is clearly indicated, and anyone who studies with care his method of working, may confidently attempt to improve the varieties of his own locality in the same way. This great principle of "variety-testing," as it has been founded by Le Couteur and Patrick Shirreff, has increased in importance ever since. Two main features are to be considered here.

"They will try here," said Amice Le Couteur. "I will warn them once not to land, then do you be ready to fire. Take advantage of the rocks, and let no man expose himself unnecessarily." They came thrashing along, with no show of order but much of the spirit that was in them. There is no dog so ready to snap at anything that offers as the one that is running from a fight.

This second method of Shirreff evidently is quite analogous to the principle of Lagasca and Le Couteur. The previous assumption that new varieties with striking features were being produced by nature from time to time, was abandoned, and a systematic inquiry into the worth of all the divergent constituents of the fields was begun.