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Unfortunately, before the unloading of his ship could be begun, she struck a rock and was lost; and the last state of the men, therefore, was as bad as the first. Among the men who had come with Encisco was a certain Vasco Nuñez, commonly called Balboa. He had been with Bastidas and La Cosa on their voyage to the Isthmus nine years before.

The Indian warriors, infuriated beyond measure, now attacked in earnest the shore party, comprising seventy men, among whom were Ojeda and La Cosa. The latter, unable to prevent him, had considered it proper to go ashore with the hot-headed governor to restrain him so far as was possible.

È sempre lo stesso, brutto o bello, bello o brutto. "Eh! cosa a me m'importa, se sono brutto o bello non so, a me è lo stesso." This was all I could get from her. It's all the same to me, ugly or handsome, handsome or ugly. But to return to our washerwomen.

"Cosa fatta capo ha," was the famous comment of the outraged house "stone dead has no fellow" and as Dino puts it, in the most ordinary way in the world, "they settled to kill him the day he was to have married the damsel, and so they did." "Kill, kill," echoes everywhere through the story of these Florentine nobles. Assassination is an event of every day.

[Footnote 4: "Pure contentandomi sempre in questa ed in ciascuna altro cosa, da ciascuno più savio, l

After some skirmishes, which had not ended to Hojeda's advantage, a meeting was arranged for him with Roldan, Diego d'Escobar, and Juan de la Cosa, when they prevailed upon him to leave the island. "He took with him," says Las Casas, "a prodigious cargo of slaves, whom he sold in the market at Cadiz for enormous sums of money."

DOÑA MATILDE. Es prudencia por lo menos para evitar el que la vecina de enfrente fisgonee lo que va a pasar en este cuarto. BRUNO. ¡Ay! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué es eso? BRUNO. No es cosa, un chichón que debo a la vecina de enfrente. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Y todavía no has abierto la reja! BRUNO. ¿Para qué? ¿Si se ha de ir usted al cabo, no vale más el que se salga usted por la puerta?

This was the first voyage in which Juan de la Cosa had the supreme command. This seems, too, to have been about the date of Hojeda's third voyage, when he went to the territory of Coquibacoa, a voyage that certainly was made, as Humboldt says, but of which we have no clear account.

The young fellow is revengeful and insolent." "I don't know whether I can go," said Caballuco. "As I am in hiding now I cannot measure my strength against Don Jose Poquita Cosa. If I were not as I am with half my face hidden, and the other half uncovered I would have broken his back for him already twenty times over. But what happens if I attack him?

The Spaniards were defeated and both Hojeda's lieutenant, Juan de la Cosa, the first discoverer of gold in the sands of Uraba, and seventy soldiers fell. The natives poisoned their arrows with the juice of a death-dealing herb.